Missed origin


Well-Known Member
Most bulk pickups using a trailer will have a separate package car pick up the air that has been separated for pickup. If a shipper constantly screws up and keeps putting with ground packages I am sure eventually UPS would threaten to stop paying refunds for service failures. My point was that not shippers are created equal and some get special treatment and would get away with it. It is not the driver who sets up those pickups by the way.

I'm not talking about pickups using a feeder (which by the way air ends up in the nose of those all the time and about all that happens with that is a cute little note in the post-sort report from the HUBIE so that the sort can say 'hey, we didn't make X because of Y' and those aren't unloaded on metro lines) I'm referring to that package car or even a TP60 from like a mall run. My point is that shippers don't have to do squat, and yes some get special treatment. No, drivers just need to process that pickup and we all need to work together.

One thing I would add is in my 30 years I have never heard a customer say (in your terms of service). Prime, your sounding like a supervisor. What you are saying is technically true, but we do request the air to be separated at most if not all p/ups.

I sound like someone that wants this company to make money, because then I make money. I don't give a flying monkey if you're a supervisor or a driver or a loader or a DMP responder or an engineer. We all have a job to do, instead of bickering about who should be responsible for what, we should all work to get it done. That may be true in your center, but not all centers are created equal either. A center with 1800 pickups isn't going to call each to make that request. A driver with a good relationship can probably make that happen, but that's true with the preloader loading my car or the unloader emptying it or the clerk processing my send agains or even the IE determining the stop count. It's all about relationships.


Well-Known Member
This happen all the time. Lazy shippers working in shipping just toss them in with the rest. I read the pickup end of day, see they had NXD, then had to emplty each in a tote and sift through them until I found it. It sux but that's the job. You bet I bitched to the shipper about it and told my metro but in the end its your job to verify the count. Something I think you know anyway.

Anyway you look at it this is what you should really be counting.
