More CEO Excessive pay


Well-Known Member
Good article. I do believe in some libertarian views just not all of them. Just like I do believe in some but not all republican and democratic ideas.

You take these smoking bans in bars all over the country. I don't feel government should be telling a business owner how to run his/her business when a customer has many choices to not do business there. If I don't like the smoke in a bar I don't go in. And I have left a few times. And I smoke cigars.

I've never touched tobacco and have no use for it but I'm also against the gov't telling a business owner about how to run his/her business when it comes to matters like this. I do have to admit an uncle smoked a pipe and he smoked some type of tobacco (something apple or another)that really smelled good.

The only smoking product I ever thought smelled just awesome was from Columbia and they called it Red Bud!:happy-very:

I'm hoping the very day I retire is the day that ban is lifted once and for all! I'll go back to having a different kinda BUD in my lift!

LMA cough! cough! O!
