Engorged Member
That's funny, our own military has named global climate change as one of the top five threats we face in the near future...
Never mind that this past year was the hottest on record...ever. Just a coincidence.
That's funny, our own military has named global climate change as one of the top five threats we face in the near future...
Never mind that this past year was the hottest on record...ever. Just a coincidence.
thats right it was.... and what was the previous year's hottest on record? had to be last year too right? hmmmm ....
what? all I did was ask a question... what year did this past summer replace as the most hot ever? How is that sticking my head in the sand? I think you know the answerInsert head (yours) in sand. Don't look up, just down, and remain there until the Knowledge Fairy taps you with her wand.
what? all I did was ask a question... what year did this past summer replace as the most hot ever? How is that sticking my head in the sand? I think you know the answer
Really? So the answer doesnt lie somewhere in the 1930's? Didnt know the green movement was around then to prevent us from making the temperatures go even higherYes, I do. The Knowledge Fairy will never come for you. Sorry.
i always thought global warming was a myth
mentioned this six years ago, you can ask Baba Gounj.Record Antarctica Ice Contradicts Global Warming Trend
mentioned this six years ago, you can ask Baba Gounj.In fact I almost debated a co-worker on this very topic at the time. lol
In the media we may hear that the Antarctic is cooling but at the same time the Arctic is warming. Got curious myself and started looking and seems this pattern caught the eyes of science about 2 years ago. May find something of value for those debates. Or maybe not.
New research finds a linked, alternating pattern in Arctic and Antarctic warming trends
Global warming is a hoax.
In the media we may hear that the Antarctic is cooling but at the same time the Arctic is warming. Got curious myself and started looking and seems this pattern caught the eyes of science about 2 years ago. May find something of value for those debates. Or maybe not.
New research finds a linked, alternating pattern in Arctic and Antarctic warming trends
I don't think that is relevant though, Klein. Evolution and survival of the fittest will dictate whether or not a species can survive. The ice shrinking may be AGW related, or may be billion-year cryopspheric cycles, or any other scientific reasoning, or any number of combinations of theories ..we just don't know enough.
That is why both sides are WRONG on the issue, because there should be no "sides".
Here is my take (rambling thoughts) on global warming. I have taken A.S. as well as Geology classes in the past but don't get me wrong, I am no expert ( as well as most anyone else on this earth)
The earth has warmed. That is fact. You cannot debate this or debunk because it is true. We have evidence that shows in the past 2000 years the earth has warmed.
The problem is, of course, is it influenced by mankind and how much
Well, the problem them lies in the evidence to support one way or the other. There is simply not enough climate data to analyze and make an accurate statement either way. Period. Yes, you can do sediment samples and etc but you will never be able to accurately pin down any correlation between one or the other.
SO, is the warming the chicken or the egg?
Right now, the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) and in the past 15 years has been well above average. THIS warming has been and will continue to lead to above-average sea surface temperature anomalies in the Atlantic.
What does this have to do with anything? Well, mostly, it is close to home. This general warming cycle in the Atlantic (as well as Caribbean /GOM for that matter) has resulted in nearly two decades of heightened effects, mostly for tropical systems as well as enhanced Bermuda ridging and enhanced rainfalls along the peripheries. Also, tornados will be more common and stronger with the extra moisture feed from the GOM/Atlantic.
So, you could (with some factual and as well as empirical evidence) make an argument is the Western worlds man-made global warming is only a reflection of the past 15-20 years of AMOs , some times extreme, warming.
That does NOT mean I personally do not agree there is man-made GW or not, or think we should just freely dump into the environment chemicals and gases, etc..however I am personally skeptical of any side that uses assumptive declarations in the argument
This is correct. However, it is impossible to ascertain whether or not mankind has ANY influence, and if so how much. Therefore it is arrogant, blind speculation either way to form a strong opinion.
P.S. I noted this thread and wanted to post this article here... ,
A really great read and maybe not for the casual observer. And it has very little to do, DIRECTLY, with long term man-made global warming, in the political or casual/social context.
but you can clearly see that Dr. Hart connects recurving tropical cyclones greatly influence global temperatures. This has long been established and I as well as many others have been preaching this for many years.
But the question is not whether it is clad, which it is (twists and turns unknown), but whether this has implications which extend even farther into a chicken and egg type chase.
What's this got to do with me?
Just because I release methane prodigiously?