More Global Warming


Well-Known Member
National Geographic Channel has a program called Naked Science. In 2007' this series did a episode called Solar Force that looked at the Sun itself from many different angles and POV. It maintained in the program of the idea of man made global warming but it also clearly raised the spector of what effects the sun has on climate and what we may not truly know.

Pretty good program with lots of room for thought and questions which is always a good thing IMO.


Well-Known Member
More bad news for Al.

Poor Al, if only this guy wasn't a liberal he could be neutralized with the tag of "right wing nutjob!"

Do you think they get Rush over there or maybe the guy's been "Hannitized!"



More bad news for Al.

Poor Al, if only this guy wasn't a liberal he could be neutralized with the tag of "right wing nutjob!"
Now you are giving right wing nut jobs a bad name. :laughing:
Do you think they get Rush over there or maybe the guy's been "Hannitized!"



Well-Known Member
I was a little skeptical about the global warming, But geez it sure isn't February weather where I live....Not that I have changed my mind about it :happy-very: 60's almost all last week, and even 70 later this week, here in missouri, nice by the way

Once I get use to it, ole man winter is gonna blast me away again


More bad news for Al.

Poor Al, if only this guy wasn't a liberal he could be neutralized with the tag of "right wing nutjob!"

Do you think they get Rush over there or maybe the guy's been "Hannitized!"


I did not understand your relating al Gore to a right wing nut job?

There has never been anything right about AL Gore?


Well-Known Member
I did not understand your relating al Gore to a right wing nut job?

There has never been anything right about AL Gore?

I thought at first you were joking but maybe you are not.

Poor Al, if only this guy wasn't a liberal he could be neutralized with the tag of "right wing nutjob!"

Let me restate and see if the point comes across better.

Poor Al, if only the Czech President whom the article above identifies as a liberal wasn't a liberal, the Czech President could be neutralized with the tag of "right wing nutjob!"

From the article at the link

Czech President Vaclav Klaus took aim at climate change campaigner Al Gore on Saturday in Davos in a frontal attack on the science of global warming.
"I don't think that there is any global warming," said the 67-year-old liberal, whose country holds the rotating presidency of the European Union. "I don't see the statistical data for that."

I assumed once this was read that my context would be understood. Sorry!

Then again, if you didn't read the article. :wink2:


Well-Known Member
Climate Change:The Sun and the Oceans Do Not Lie

Banksters Love Cap & Trade

This is about global economics and global commodities, not about environmental protection. Ask yourself this one basic question of economics and human nature, why would you create an investment market with a commodity that you intend over time to completely eliminate?

Why would you open up a package/shipping company and then work to eliminate the need of anyone having to ever ship anything again?

I'm all for clean energy and I'm all for a clean environment. I look forward to the day when all energy is produced at the micro level so that each individual is free from the control of a central grid and free to produce his/her own energy via clean, renewable sources. This is a liberty issue, an economics issue and a good steward issue but what we have now by the con men like Al Gore is an investment system where they will makes tons of money and we wage slaves (blue and white collar) will be left to foot the build. Don't fall for this obvious con job. Support true environmentalism and earth stewardship but don't support these tyrants and tax eaters!



Well-Known Member

On Global Warming and Climategate issue, you might enjoy and appreciate this.

True News: The Case Against Climate Change

Thanks to Little Alex and Strike the Root!

And not global warming specific but a lesson on how gov't uses issues for ulterior motive purposes.


True News 59: Statism on Fire! Freedomain Radio


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
So, if I thought it was all a "crock", I was right ??

I think it is more likely a case of a group of scientists desiring for something to be right so bad, they compromised the rigor of the scientific method.

I'm not taking a position on global warming one way or the other, but I find it easier to believe (personally) that it was a failure of ethics as opposed to a massive global conspiracy to reshape the world economic system for dubious reasons.
I think it is more likely a case of a group of scientists desiring for something to be right so bad, they compromised the rigor of the scientific method.

I'm not taking a position on global warming one way or the other, but I find it easier to believe (personally) that it was a failure of ethics as opposed to a massive global conspiracy to reshape the world economic system for dubious reasons.
I'm not as sure of a massive global conspiracy as I am that the so called scientists were getting the results they were told to get.

And yes moreluck, you were right.


Here is my take (rambling thoughts) on global warming. I have taken A.S. as well as Geology classes in the past but don't get me wrong, I am no expert ( as well as most anyone else on this earth)

The earth has warmed. That is fact. You cannot debate this or debunk because it is true. We have evidence that shows in the past 2000 years the earth has warmed.

The problem is, of course, is it influenced by mankind and how much

Well, the problem them lies in the evidence to support one way or the other. There is simply not enough climate data to analyze and make an accurate statement either way. Period. Yes, you can do sediment samples and etc but you will never be able to accurately pin down any correlation between one or the other.

SO, is the warming the chicken or the egg?

Right now, the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) and in the past 15 years has been well above average. THIS warming has been and will continue to lead to above-average sea surface temperature anomalies in the Atlantic.

What does this have to do with anything? Well, mostly, it is close to home. This general warming cycle in the Atlantic (as well as Caribbean /GOM for that matter) has resulted in nearly two decades of heightened effects, mostly for tropical systems as well as enhanced Bermuda ridging and enhanced rainfalls along the peripheries. Also, tornados will be more common and stronger with the extra moisture feed from the GOM/Atlantic.

So, you could (with some factual and as well as empirical evidence) make an argument is the Western worlds man-made global warming is only a reflection of the past 15-20 years of AMOs , some times extreme, warming.

That does NOT mean I personally do not agree there is man-made GW or not, or think we should just freely dump into the environment chemicals and gases, etc..however I am personally skeptical of any side that uses assumptive declarations in the argument