More Global Warming

" If you had your whole live invested in a family farm and all of a sudden a group of do-gooders were going to take it away from you, you would fight to your last breath. Either that or you're just not human."

A couple of points.

First, you did not ask me any questions. I do not see a question mark in this post.

Secondly, the "do-gooders" you are challenging... The farm clearly doesn't own the water they are slurping up for benefit. How is it wrong to take away something they do not own to begin with?

You are a Republican to my knowledge therefore must value ownership of property. Therefore you must respect when property is NOT owned as well. You cannot have it both ways. Correct?

In a truly egalitarian society of common ownership and means of production, there would be no issues at all here. Anarcho communism ftw? :happy-very:

In all seriousness, only in capitalist America is it a sin to protect an endangered species. God will punish those who try to buffer the minnow count. Seriously...:wink2:

Lastly you were saying that since I or anyone subscribed to saving the species of fish instead of a farm, even if my family owned it and relied on it, I were not human. Well if someone stays true to what they believe instead of the usual "do as I say, not as I do" approach we see so often, then I guess I am inhuman. Sorry that my views don't live up to your expectations, Trp, but that ain't changing anything.

Ut oh, I forgot to add..."would you not?" after tje word breath. By not human, I meant that it is human nature to fight for survival. Not trying to make you into a space being.

America is one of the few countries that actually try to protect endangered species.


Well-Known Member
A ghoul with no soul, going straight to he** to be punished. Yup, Christian conservatives ftl.

All people who die go to hell and in fact never depart from it. Most christians are just in denial and latch on to Pauline fantasies in order to avoid the truth. Eonian life ain't eternal!

The proof is in the hebrew and greek words translated hell itself!


Well-Known Member
Sun Causes Climate Change Shock

If Michael Crichton had lived to write a follow-up to State of Fear, the plotline might well have gone like this: at a top secret, state of the art laboratory in Switzerland, scientists finally discover the true cause of “global warming”. It’s the sun, stupid. More specifically – as the Danish physicist Henrik Svensmark has long postulated – it’s the result of cosmic rays which act as a seed for cloud formation. The scientists working on the project are naturally euphoric: this is a major breakthrough which will not only overturn decades of misguided conjecture on so-called Man Made Global Warming but will spare the global economy trillions of dollars which might otherwise have been squandered on utterly pointless efforts to reduce anthropogenic CO2 emissions. However, these scientists have failed to realise just how many people – alarmist scientists, huckster politicians, rent-seeking landowners like (the late Michael Crichton’s brilliant and, of course, entirely fictional creation) the absurd, pompous Sir Reginald Leeds Bt, green activists, eco-fund managers, EU technocrats, MSM environmental correspondents – stand to gain from the Man Made “Climate Change” industry. Their discovery must be suppressed at all costs. So, one by one, the scientists on the cosmic ray project find themselves being bumped off, until only one man remains and must race against time to prove, etc, etc…
Except of course in the real world the second part wouldn’t happen. No one would need to go to the trouble of bumping off those pesky scientists with their awkward, annoying facts and their proper actual research. That’s because the MSM and the scientific “community” would find it perfectly easy to suppress the story anyway, without recourse to severed brake cables or ricin-impregnated hand-washes or staged “suicides”.
This is exactly what has happened with the latest revelations from CERN over its landmark CLOUD experiment,.......


Yeah this has been discussed in other areas. Solar input and solar cycles certainly do affect the climate on a short-term and long term basis, however it is not a well understood pheonomena.

Also the study fails to address climate change at all, which is appropriate.

Kirkby adds, those particles are far too small to serve as seeds for clouds. “At the moment, it actually says nothing about a possible cosmic-ray effect on clouds and climate"

Eventually the scientific method will help connect any linkage of CR modulating seeding cloud formation, and will become more clear over time. As others have said previously, no conclusions should be drawn until there is ample time and space studied.


Strength through joy
[h=2]The Big Money in the Climate Debate[/h] Al Gore and other climate thugs continue to browbeat the opposition by accusing them of being financed by the energy companies that make our cars go and our lights come on. But in the Era of Big Government, the real money comes not from the private sector, but from the people with the most to gain from the global warming hoax — power-hungry bureaucrats. Not that Prince Albert doesn’t have a lot to gain too:
No one has made more money from climate change hype than Gore. According to the U.K.’s Guardian newspaper, just one of the “green” companies in which Gore has invested has received over half a billion dollars in subsidies from the Energy Department.
Financial disclosure documents released before the 2000 election put the Gore family’s net worth at $1 million to $2 million. A mere decade later, estimates are that he is worth $100 million. He’s been touted in the press as one day becoming the first “carbon billionaire.”
According to the Science & Public Policy Institute, the U.S. government has spent over $79 billion since 1989 on policies related to climate change, including science and technology research, administration, education campaigns, foreign aid and tax breaks.
Compare that with, say, Exxon-Mobil Corp., which is repeatedly attacked for paying a grand total of $23 million to skeptics.
According to the World Bank, the value of carbon trading doubled from $63 billion in 2007 to $126 billion in 2008. Big money has been and can be made by conning governments into formulating policies based on fraudulently hyped climate hysteria.
The global warming scam is big money. However, like government it expropriates wealth rather than creating it, leaving a few corrupt parasites like Al Gore obscenely rich, but the rest of us poorer.
Gore’s massive carbon footprint of a mansion.


Well-Known Member
All people who die go to hell and in fact never depart from it. Most christians are just in denial and latch on to Pauline fantasies in order to avoid the truth. Eonian life ain't eternal!

The proof is in the hebrew and greek words translated hell itself!
Quit viewing the glass as half empty


golden ticket member
[h=2]CIA Operating Global Warming Center For Some Unknown Reason…[/h]

Good grief.
(Judicial Watch) — Most Americans may not know that the government agency responsible for providing national security data to the nation’s senior policymakers, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), operates a special center dedicated to global warming.

That’s because the CIA doesn’t want anyone to know what goes on in its two-year-old Center on Climate Change and National Security. So the exclusive unit, led by “senior specialists,” operates under a cloak of secrecy that rejects all public-records requests, despite President Obama’s promise to run a transparent government.

When the center was launched in 2009, the CIA said it would not address the science of climate change but rather the national security impact of phenomena such as desertification, rising sea levels, population shifts and heightened competition for natural resources. The new division was touted as an important tool that would bring together in a single place expertise on an important national security topic; the effect environmental factors can have on political, economic and social stability overseas.

Reasonably, some U.S. taxpayers want to know what exactly the center has been doing with their money. After all, Obama has repeatedly assured the country that he will run the most transparent administration in history. So why not reveal some of the CIA’s findings on the impacts of global warming? After all, the administration has dedicated huge amounts of money to combat the ills of global warming so why not make public some of the “intelligence” that could justify the investment?


golden ticket member
| Saturday, October 22, 2011 @ 1:04 pm |
Note To The Global Warming Fanatics: Obama’s Tour Bus Gets Less Than 6mpg…

And it’s taxpayer funded.
( – When asked U.S. Secret Service Spokesman George Ogilvie on Friday how many miles per gallon the service gets from the $1.1-million bus it has been using to convey President Barack Obama on his recent “jobs” tours, Ogilvie said he was declining to comment on the question for ”security purposes.”

Hemphill Brothers, the Tennessee company that provided the motor for the bus, also declined to answer any questions about it.
According to the Web site of Holiday Motor Coach, a company that produces customized buses, their vehicles typically get about 6 mpg on the highway. But their vehicles, presumably, don’t typically have the sort of security upgrades required in a vehicle carrying the president.
In July, Obama signed an agreement with 13 major automobile manufacturers to increase the average fuel economy for their vehicles sold in the U.S. to 54.5 mpg by 2025.


golden ticket member
The scam of the century continues to fall apart.
(BBC) — Global temperatures could be less sensitive to changing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels than previously thought, a study suggests.

The researchers said people should still expect to see “drastic changes” in climate worldwide, but that the risk was a little less imminent.

The results are published in Science.

Previous climate models have used meteorological measurements from the past 150 years to estimate the climate’s sensitivity to rising CO2.

From these models, scientists find it difficult to narrow their projections down to a single figure with any certainty, and instead project a range of temperatures that they expect, given a doubling of atmospheric CO2 from pre-industrial levels.

The new analysis, which incorporates palaeoclimate data into existing models, attempts to project future temperatures with a little more certainty.


Well-Known Member
| Saturday, October 22, 2011 @ 1:04 pm |
Note To The Global Warming Fanatics: Obama’s Tour Bus Gets Less Than 6mpg…

And it’s taxpayer funded.
( – When asked U.S. Secret Service Spokesman George Ogilvie on Friday how many miles per gallon the service gets from the $1.1-million bus it has been using to convey President Barack Obama on his recent “jobs” tours, Ogilvie said he was declining to comment on the question for ”security purposes.”

Hemphill Brothers, the Tennessee company that provided the motor for the bus, also declined to answer any questions about it.
According to the Web site of Holiday Motor Coach, a company that produces customized buses, their vehicles typically get about 6 mpg on the highway. But their vehicles, presumably, don’t typically have the sort of security upgrades required in a vehicle carrying the president.
In July, Obama signed an agreement with 13 major automobile manufacturers to increase the average fuel economy for their vehicles sold in the U.S. to 54.5 mpg by 2025.
Its no different than Kennedy Jrs. manmade global warming delusion (along with many others). Yet he continues to ride around in private airplanes. The rules they want everyone to follow but themselves


Well-Known Member
From 2009'


Who is the Cassiopeia Project?

Side Note to trplnkl, Cassiopeia Project has some vids on evolution that are pretty good. One is 51 minutes long (We know Moreluck, We know) but on such a topic you can't expect a 30 second explanation. It also does not attempt as noted in the vid. to address the actual events at the dawn of time as we know it so one is still allowed to believe the Genesis creation explanation while looking at the actual evidence as it relates to what we know about the evolutionary process on a micro and macro level. Cassiopeia Project has a YouTube Channel and the vids are far easier to watch there rather than off their website IMO. Great educational resource for kids on science too.


Für Meno :)
Well, this Spring-like winter up north is getting scary.
If we don't get any snow soon, we might have a huge draught come this harvest season.
Canola (oil), wheat, and many other grains , that Canada is the top producer or one of the top producers in the world of.

Meaning, prices of bread, flour, beer, cooking oil and even beef could sky rocket all over the world later this year.

The ice bridges leading to smaller communities up north are impassable (not frozen), and food must be flown in, instead of being normally trucked in, at a very high cost.


golden ticket member
Well, this Spring-like winter up north is getting scary.
If we don't get any snow soon, we might have a huge draught come this harvest season.
Canola (oil), wheat, and many other grains , that Canada is the top producer or one of the top producers in the world of.

Meaning, prices of bread, flour, beer, cooking oil and even beef could sky rocket all over the world later this year.

The ice bridges leading to smaller communities up north are impassable (not frozen), and food must be flown in, instead of being normally trucked in, at a very high cost.
20 ft. of snow in Cordova, AK
Well, this Spring-like winter up north is getting scary.
If we don't get any snow soon, we might have a huge draught come this harvest season.
Canola (oil), wheat, and many other grains , that Canada is the top producer or one of the top producers in the world of.

Meaning, prices of bread, flour, beer, cooking oil and even beef could sky rocket all over the world later this year.

The ice bridges leading to smaller communities up north are impassable (not frozen), and food must be flown in, instead of being normally trucked in, at a very high cost.
Trust me, I understand the concern over drought.