Helper: "I can't lift that"
Me: "It's 40 lbs (Dell monitor back in the day), what do you mean you can't lift it? You were told you'd have to be able to lift up to but not exceeding 70 lbs when they hired you"
Helper: "Well I can't lift it"
Me: "Lift your ass out of this truck and walk home. You're done"
Helper: "Do I get paid every week?"
Me: "No. They took away pay for helpers in our last contract. Sorry kid" ugh
Helper: "There is a dog in front of that house so you better take this one."
Me: "It's alright. That dog has never come near any drivers except to lick our hands."
Helper: "I'm scared of dogs. I was attacked by dogs when I was little."
Me: "And you didn't consider that when you applied?"
Helper: …………….no response
Me: "Just take this old DIAD with you and rare back like you are going to swing it at him if he starts to act mean."
Helper: ……….no response and just stands there in a coma of fear as he stares at the dog
Me: "Man, that is a freakin Yorkie!!!! Are you seriously scared of it?"
Helper: …………snaps out of coma………."Uh…..Ok……" takes package and when he get's about 30 yards from the front porch the yorkie raises it's head to watch and the helper suddenly drops the package and runs back to the truck.
Me: "Man, I sure can't wait till peak is over with."