I went to the CHANGE.GOV site and sent in my offering of :
As you know, President-elect Obama promised his daughters a puppy if they moved to the White House. He’s already getting advice on what the best breed of dog to get. For example, today Bill Clinton told him that the Oval Office is a great place for a husky female.
LOL, so you're saying that the name should be Monica?As you know, President-elect Obama promised his daughters a puppy if they moved to the White House. He’s already getting advice on what the best breed of dog to get. For example, today Bill Clinton told him that the Oval Office is a great place for a husky female.
LOL, so you're saying that the name should be Monica?
Do huskies have a rough tongue?
If the dog(s) is/are truly for his two daughters, I would think that their opinion matters the most.
If however this is nothing more than a photo op and a way to enhance BOs popularity (this would not surprise me) than he should get his campaign staff to pick the dog(s)!!!
How about "whitey". So when hes having a bad day he can just kick around the dog!