Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil, and that evil will still come back and bite you in the butt. Crime is crime and should be reported, no matter how big or small. You'd be doing the criminal a favor, probably saving his/her life. Enough from me on this subject, as you know where I stand. I'd better not catch any of you guys/gals stealing at my building or for that matter, anywhere I lurk. I will report what I see.
Here's an example of what I mean. I was about 20 years old, riding the NYC subway. I'm "minding my business" when I see a young man about to steal an older man's wallet, right out of his pocket. This was happening right in front of me. I look right into the pickpockets face, and holler, "HEY YOU, GET YOR HAND OUT OF THAT MAN'S POCKET. The pickpocket quickly retracted his arm as the older man swung around to see what was happening. The pickpocket was stunned, LOL. I'm laughing to myself as I remember this incident. Anyways, long story short, that old man, was able to keep his money and I have no regrets taking action.
I know UPS is a big company, and UPS makes a huge profit. As a shareholder in this company, I also know that a person stealing a couple of trinkets, is nothing. It's nothing until you add it all up. Go, center to center, hub to hub, region to region, and now there's a problem. LP can't be everywhere, ya know? Here's a better example for anyone that disagree's. If I smoked a cigarette and chucked the butt on the ground, that's no big deal, right? Now multiply that by the percentage of the population that smokes.
We have problems here that we are turning a blind eye to. It's no big deal, let the future generations take care of that. Let the Police catch that bad guy, I'm sure they're aware of what's going on, anyways. Good old LP surely knows about the guy/gal I saw stealing, they must know.
Don't get me started! JMHO Thanks for letting me rant.