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City Driver

Well-Known Member
what will stop them from robbing you

my black belt and my .22

UPS makes billions of dollars and cant even put walls up on our dock, today the dock was -10 and about 20 of us city drivers were called in 3 hours early to help load

honestly if it was still overnite it would be different, but i hate UPS, wish they would of never bought overnite:angry:


Well-Known Member
just to throw this in there if somebody is stealing im not gonna say a word to management or LP about it, it aint my place to snitch on somebody and get them fired, i just act like i have no idea its happening cuz i got nothin to do with it and dont want to be involved

I will also add that an employee has NO responsibility in turning in an employee that is stealing. You could face reprocussions outside of work and risk bodily harm for doing so. That job belongs to LP. Let them do their job and actually earn their paycheck.

I couldn't disagree more but that is my opinion. I guess I was just raised differently.


Sure, do that, and the thief you let get away with this, will one day rob you, or worse, your family. You can't turn a blind eye to these people for the simple reason that they are not just stealing from UPS, but they're stealing from you, as well. That loss comes right out of your pocket. You're a UPS'er and have a stake in this company.

You owe it to yourself, your customers and your family, to be honorable. Remember, there is no honor among thieve's, if they rob UPS, what will stop them from robbing you. That goes for robbing, raping, murder and whatever other bad things people do. Think that one over and remember what's at stake.

I will also add that an employee has NO responsibility in turning in an employee that is stealing. You could face reprocussions outside of work and risk bodily harm for doing so. That job belongs to LP. Let them do their job and actually earn their paycheck.

my black belt and my .22

UPS makes billions of dollars and cant even put walls up on our dock, today the dock was -10 and about 20 of us city drivers were called in 3 hours early to help load

honestly if it was still overnite it would be different, but i hate UPS, wish they would of never bought overnite:angry:

I reiterate my previous post. I know I can't convince you guys to have the backbone that is necessary to stand up for what is right. You guys probably weren't raised to look out for your fellow man, and that's okay. I'm sure that if someone is robbing/hurting/raping, someone you have feelings for, some pipsqueak will come around to rescue them. Thanks for being good sons.

And as far as this, "honestly if it was still overnite it would be different, but i hate UPS, wish they would of never bought overnite", learn to deal with change, or move on, already.
I agree with Steve and UpstateNY. You should stand up for what is ethical. Just my opinion. But as for advice on how to handle this situation, work with the Teamsters, that is what you pay dues for.


Well-Known Member
my black belt and my .22

UPS makes billions of dollars and cant even put walls up on our dock, today the dock was -10 and about 20 of us city drivers were called in 3 hours early to help load

honestly if it was still overnite it would be different, but i hate UPS, wish they would of never bought overnite:angry:

WHen it was Overnite there were walls there and UPS tore them down????
How odd.


respect my authority
I should have been more clear. I have been at ups for over 5 years, and I had absolutely no prior knowledge that anyone was stealing anything. I feel the same as you, but I will not make up some story just to satisfy LP or my supervisor and get one of my fellow employees in trouble for something that they did not do. I would never do that. I am not that kind of person. As far as a lawyer or arbitration, I am kind of torn on which way I should go. My union steward has the day off so I am going to have to wait until Monday to get any answers. Hopefully someone can shed a little more light for me so I don't have to go through the entire weekend a nervous wreck. Again, thanks to all for the comments and help. It really means a lot to me.

dont sign anything call your local talk to your steward


Well-Known Member
dont sign anything call your local talk to your steward
Wow... I think you hit bullseye with that one. If there is one thing UPS always tries to do, it is pressure people to sign statements they shouldn't be signing, they pressure you into thinking you have to sign when in fact you actually have a choice. They abused this act so much in my building that it is now mandatory for the shop steward to be present when there is ANY disciplinary action taken.


former monkey slave
I couldn't disagree more but that is my opinion. I guess I was just raised differently.
One could argue of the moral obligation possibly but I have learned its best to mind ones own business and not get involved. I worry about myself and don't want to know what everybody else is getting themselves into. If people want to steal ,thats on them.


former monkey slave
I'm sure that if someone is robbing/hurting/raping, someone you have feelings for, some pipsqueak will come around to rescue them. Thanks for being good sons.
While the theft of frivilous items out of UPS and rape,robbery,and hurting are all dishonest acts they cannot be compared in the same arena. A rape would make me lock and load my AK but small garbage being stolen out of the hub I work at just isn't make me go down the same road. Someone else can be the hero of that battle and get a pat on the back. I'll pass on that one


Staff member
Technically, I agree with Steve and Upstate that all crime should be reported.

BUT...... there are people in this world that you shouldn't mess with. Some people you just look at and you know they're crazy. I might not report someone if I thought they might retaliate against my family. Sometimes it is better to mind ones own business. This really IS LPs job, not ours.


Nine Lives
Technically, I agree with Steve and Upstate that all crime should be reported.

BUT...... there are people in this world that you shouldn't mess with. Some people you just look at and you know they're crazy. I might not report someone if I thought they might retaliate against my family. Sometimes it is better to mind ones own business. This really IS LPs job, not ours.

I would never report SoberUPS if I saw him committing a crime.
Not that I think sober would ever commit a crime.
In fact I know sober would never commit a crime.

I'm sorry sober...I didn't mean anything! I swear man! No don't do that! I'm not an fact I don't even belong to the Elk's club!

Man, what was I thinking?


Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil, and that evil will still come back and bite you in the butt. Crime is crime and should be reported, no matter how big or small. You'd be doing the criminal a favor, probably saving his/her life. Enough from me on this subject, as you know where I stand. I'd better not catch any of you guys/gals stealing at my building or for that matter, anywhere I lurk. I will report what I see.

Here's an example of what I mean. I was about 20 years old, riding the NYC subway. I'm "minding my business" when I see a young man about to steal an older man's wallet, right out of his pocket. This was happening right in front of me. I look right into the pickpockets face, and holler, "HEY YOU, GET YOR HAND OUT OF THAT MAN'S POCKET. The pickpocket quickly retracted his arm as the older man swung around to see what was happening. The pickpocket was stunned, LOL. I'm laughing to myself as I remember this incident. Anyways, long story short, that old man, was able to keep his money and I have no regrets taking action.

I know UPS is a big company, and UPS makes a huge profit. As a shareholder in this company, I also know that a person stealing a couple of trinkets, is nothing. It's nothing until you add it all up. Go, center to center, hub to hub, region to region, and now there's a problem. LP can't be everywhere, ya know? Here's a better example for anyone that disagree's. If I smoked a cigarette and chucked the butt on the ground, that's no big deal, right? Now multiply that by the percentage of the population that smokes.

We have problems here that we are turning a blind eye to. It's no big deal, let the future generations take care of that. Let the Police catch that bad guy, I'm sure they're aware of what's going on, anyways. Good old LP surely knows about the guy/gal I saw stealing, they must know.

Don't get me started! JMHO Thanks for letting me rant.


Well-Known Member
One could argue of the moral obligation possibly but I have learned its best to mind ones own business and not get involved. I worry about myself and don't want to know what everybody else is getting themselves into. If people want to steal ,thats on them.

So you just turn a blind eye to the sufferrings of others??? what a nice fellow you are.