Net Neutrality


I started this.
Staff member
I sent:

"Net Neutrality is the cornerstone of innovation, free speech and democracy on the Internet.

Control over the Internet should remain in the hands of the people who use it every day. The ability to share information without impediment is critical to the progression of technology, science, small business, and culture.

Please stand with the public by protecting Net Neutrality once and for all."


Well-Known Member
In most regards, it is.

In this case, what do you think, vis-a-vis total shutdown of 'net-neutrality' ?

Personally, I think it's crap.

I think the internet should be like water: the companies create the pipes, and we pay them for that.

But what comes down the pipes should be off-limits.

If your water utility tried to shut down your upstairs bathroom's toilet between 12:00 and 15:00, how would you feel?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Could be a lot of this on a lot of different sites in our futures. Thanks, Republicans.



Nine Lives
In most regards, it is.
In this case, what do you think, vis-a-vis total shutdown of 'net-neutrality' ?

Personally, I think it's crap.

I think the internet should be like water: the companies create the pipes, and we pay them for that.

But what comes down the pipes should be off-limits.

If your water utility tried to shut down your upstairs bathroom's toilet between 12:00 and 15:00, how would you feel?
It's the delta between 'most' and 'all'.


Staff member
I think that what the Trump Administration has done is terrible for the consumer and great for business.
"Here's a $1200 per year tax cut. And the first industry in line to bend you over and rape you for it's piece of it is...(drumroll)...internet providers! Internet providers c'mon down! The American consumer is prepped for your ungodly insertion!"

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
If the net neutrality changes are regulatory can the next democratic president reverse the rules? Should we all be pressuring congress to pass law that would stop this nonsense and start treating the internet as a public utility?


Inordinately Right
The FCC plans to repeal net neutrality this week — and it could ruin the internet

It's inevitable — this week, the Federal Communications Commission will drive a stake in net neutrality.

On December 14, the agency will vote to repeal the net neutrality rules it put in place in 2015. With Republicans commissioners who oppose the rules outnumbering Democrats who favor them three to two, the outcome of the vote isn't in any doubt. Your protests and #netneutrality tweets will do nothing — this is really happening.

Assuming the move isn't blocked by the courts or overturned by Congress, it could radically reshape the internet by giving an already powerful group of telecommunications companies a great deal of control over what you can see and do online. It will also likely leave you with higher prices and fewer choices


Retired 23 years
The internet has been going down hill for a long time. Us Boomers could live without it if we had to (unless we drowned in the tears of the Millennials).