Net Neutrality


nowhere special


Well-Known Member
Any indications by his postings/rantings here are not hopeful at all.

If he were my BA or shop steward, based on his actions here I'd have no respect for him and would seek someone else.
Rather have a rabid pit bull on my side, than a little Yorkie. He is emotionally invested in his people.

I do think he is wrong on this issue, but don't know everything, but as a BA, I bet he us a good one.


Well-Known Member
You get what you pay for.
You want someone to wear down an opponent ... he's the man.
Ask my daughter's ex-husband. That did cost a little more than $2500.

My ex and I hammered out most of the details ourselves. I urged her to use my lawyer for the bulk of the grunt work but she insisted upon using her own. He charged her $6K just for the separation agreement.

I do agree that you get what you pay for.