Never Sell More Than $500 Worth of Rabbits Per Year

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Yes, Obama did get things started a bit early and, yes, he did take advantage of the Tuscon tragedy to campaign and, yes, he has ridden Bin Laden for all he is worth, but unless someone credible steps forward on the GOP side soon this thing will be over before it even gets started. If the economy shows stronger signs of recovery and gas prices are closer to $3 than to $4 by early next year the GOP could bring back Ronald Reagan and it wouldn't matter.

Dont forget that the MSM will also have the Messiah's back so whoever runs againt him will have a tuff time.


Für Meno :)
Like a rock ! : Tuff is a type of rock consisting of consolidated volcanic ash ejected from vents during a volcanic eruption.


Für Meno :)
Oprah would have more support then Trump could ever dream of, actually... (I know, it's sad, but true ) !

Well, I don't know, from 1 extreme to another ! Sad in both ways !


Staff member
Oprah would have more support then Trump could ever dream of, actually... (I know, it's sad, but true ) !

Well, I don't know, from 1 extreme to another ! Sad in both ways !

And anybody who disagrees with Oprah would be racist too!


Well-Known Member
When you go to vote for barack Obama for president just remember this is the kind of government you are voting for.


Your suggestion fails by leaving out the other half of the problem which led to the results this family faced in their bunny business. They were cited as having violated 9 CFR Sec. 2.1 (a) (1) but if you look down at the bottom of this section in the Code of Federal Regulations, you see the following:

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0579 0254) [54 FR 36147, Aug. 31, 1989, as amended at 63 FR 62926, Nov. 10, 1998; 69 FR 42099, July 14, 2004]
1989' was Bush 1, 1998' was Clinton and 2004' was Bush 2. When it comes to this and other type regulation, both parties have dirty hands and to suggest overtly or covertly that voting elsewhere will solve the problem actually ignores the root of the problem to begin with.

If you want to be closer to fact and reality then you should have said something like this:

When you go to vote republican or democrat for president just remember this is the kind of government you are voting for.



golden ticket member
Since Obama isn't liberal enough for the far lefters, maybe he should choose Rosie O'donell for his running mate.....Yeah, great fit!!


Well-Known Member

Your suggestion fails by leaving out the other half of the problem which led to the results this family faced in their bunny business. They were cited as having violated 9 CFR Sec. 2.1 (a) (1) but if you look down at the bottom of this section in the Code of Federal Regulations, you see the following:

1989' was Bush 1, 1998' was Clinton and 2004' was Bush 2. When it comes to this and other type regulation, both parties have dirty hands and to suggest overtly or covertly that voting elsewhere will solve the problem actually ignores the root of the problem to begin with.

If you want to be closer to fact and reality then you should have said something like this:


That would be pre- tea party. With the direction the tea party is taking the republicans they would not dare try something this stupid as long as the smaller government push continues. Besides, putting our faith into libertarians will only get us democrats and we already know that isn't working.


Well-Known Member
Yes, Obama did get things started a bit early and, yes, he did take advantage of the Tuscon tragedy to campaign and, yes, he has ridden Bin Laden for all he is worth, but unless someone credible steps forward on the GOP side soon this thing will be over before it even gets started. If the economy shows stronger signs of recovery and gas prices are closer to $3 than to $4 by early next year the GOP could bring back Ronald Reagan and it wouldn't matter.

For the sake of this country you better be wrong. I am beginning to seriously question this country's future under one Obama term and will be planning its funeral if we have two.


Für Meno :)
For the sake of this country you better be wrong. I am beginning to seriously question this country's future under one Obama term and will be planning its funeral if we have two.

Too bad Bush wasn't allowed a 3rd term. The funeral would have already happened !


Well-Known Member
Too bad Bush wasn't allowed a 3rd term.

Bush did get a 3rd term and more. I'll use Lue from another thread to make the point for me!

And as "Mr. Hopey Changey" (the name that Ted Rall, the great American cartoonist, gives Barack Obama), is fawned upon by the British elite and launches another insufferable presidential campaign, the Anglo-American reign of terror proceeds in Afghanistan and elsewhere, with the murder of people by unmanned drones – a US/Israel innovation, embraced by Obama. For the record, on a scorecard of imposed misery, from secret trials and prisons and the hounding of whistleblowers and the criminalizing of dissent to the incarceration and impoverishment of his own people, mostly black people, Obama is as bad as George W. Bush.



Well-Known Member
Yard sales are supposed to be 3 days or less per year--any more than that and they are considered to be a retail operation and sales tax is supposed to be collected.

Out here in jersey, it's there business, every weekend from April till September, they sell everything and anything, There are signs posted same address every weekend. Yes it's all tax free.


Strength through joy
Anonymous Call to New Animal Abuse Hotline Leads to Raid on Colorado Woman’s Rabbit Farm
An anonymous Crime Stoppers hotline tip led animal control officers from the Jefferson County (Colo.) Sheriff’s Office to descend upon Bell’s one-acre farm at about 10:30 that morning and, before the day was over, remove nearly 200 rabbits from the property. The 59 year old was being accused of 24 misdemeanor charges of cruelty to animals, including charges that she somehow mistreated two meat rabbits already inside her freezer.
Bell formed Six Bells Farm Candle Company and Rabbitry as a licensed farm business. Launched as an offshoot of a 4-H project via which she taught her four children how to take care of something other than themselves, it grew into an operation that involved raising more than a dozen varieties of rabbits, primarily for personal meat consumption but also for use in educating children — including kids involved in 4-H — and members of the general public nationwide. As the years passed, Bell’s expertise and reputation grew alongside her rabbit farm. Not only did she become president of the local Long’s Peak Rabbit Club, but she became known as the go-to “resource person” for 4-H kids in Colorado who were interested in rabbits. Her reputation as a top expert when it comes to understanding and caring for rabbits spread throughout Colorado and across the United States. But that was before the raid.
Upon arriving home at about 1:40 p.m., she found the animal control officers being unreasonable and milling about on her property — without a search warrant. The “salt in the wound” that the situation had become was the fact that the sheriff’s office officials were accompanied by volunteers from the local branch of the House Rabbit Society — a nationwide group comprised of people who, according to Bell, think rabbits need to be raised like small children.
Bell noted that 12 of the seized rabbits belong to 4-H kids who were planning to show them at upcoming fairs — two at the Jefferson County Fair that begins Thursday and the remaining 10 at the Colorado State Fair which runs from Aug. 26 to Sept. 5 in Pueblo.

Rabbit raisers in Colorado are so scared they might suffer the same fate as Six Bells Farm, Bell said, that many are not going to show their animals at the Colorado State Fair. The shortage of participants at this year’s Small Animals Show is so severe that officials extended the deadline for entry and, in order to prevent animal rights activists from collecting the names of rabbit owners, officials are planning to not display the names of rabbit owners alongside their rabbits.
“I would hope the entire United States would get involved in this,” Bell said, “because this is a group of people that have gotten away with this crap once or twice and they’re just continuing.
“Because they’ve been given the power erroneously once, they’re taking it more and more,”
she continued, “and they’re gonna chase farmers out.”