New 401k app blows


Well-Known Member
Your quarterly statements are more or less there. But you’re right. The general performance isn’t being highlighted

You pretty much have to go to balance then details. From there, click balance over time and there is where it’s tricky. Nothing exists prior to 3/1. So you pretty have to have start from that time stamp as your bearing.

Select 3/1/24 as your start and today as your finish and your performance is more or less highlighted in red or green.


Well-Known Member
Mine was moved well over a year ago.

This is the second time it has moved for me, can't remember what is was before Prudential.


Well-Known Member
I noticed the app now has a rate of return section. It’s a tad wonky. It also only shows performance from 2019 onward. I guess that’s better than nothing. It still tends to Miscalculate exactly what I put in versus what it’s worth now

As far as fees, it doesn’t seem to matter if you invest in one one fund or 6 of them, it allocates a percentage of the $1.81 among them all pretty much equally. I’ve sort of experimented a tad. One month I would have just two funds going and the fees didn’t change.

But yes, it appears to only apply to pre tax allocations. Roth does not appear to have any transaction fees that I can see.

So on the old prudential site you used to be able to allocate future contributions and split up which investments you chose for pre tax and then Roth was separate. You could select allocate all types across the board or individually choose. That appears not to be an option anymore. So now your 50% sp500/ 50% sp400 will apply to your Roth and also pretax or any other combo. The old site had options to individually select what you wanted (ie Roth could be a bright 2050 fund for example). Unless the options are hidden. Anyone notice?


Well-Known Member
Some in pre-tax and some in the roth?
Both in pretax for me. Not sure why it’s split up.

Back in 2019, fees were $2.06. It was split $1.96 and $0.10. So between two funds pretax back then I would see four charges. A $0.97 and 0.96, then a 0.05, and 0.05.

Today between four funds pre tax, I see 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, and 0.04, then about $0.35, 0.65, 0.23, and 0.48. My fees are split a bit different, $0.10, and then $1.71. It’s mere Pennies in the scheme of things


Well-Known Member
Last month I transferred all but $10k to Traditional IRA and Roth CD's at 5%. At age 60, I have zero risk tolerance and think the house of cards is gonna crash. I couldnt see anything on the Prudential site, it said its moved to Empower and got no where finding my account or registering with them.