New contract keeping our part timers at min wage

browned out

Well-Known Member
The UPS welfare to work program is being expanded. Ups will now accept migrant farm workers and the min age will go down to 16.

Part time ups work will now count toward community service time for drunk drivers and litter bugs.

If the above enhancements do no improve the turnover rate , ups will run a test program with minimum security prison chain gangs on the preload and reload.

If all else fails, I will unload package cars after I get done with my rte for $41.00 an hour. I already do this once in a while bu I think I will being doing this a lot more.


Well-Known Member
well said, i think we all will be working more hours when the contract goes into effect. no one is going to work at ups for minimum wage. minimum wage goes up to 8.00 here on jan 1. so preloaders get ready to load 5 and 6 trucks, instead of your usual number of trucks. i also think we should really should start watching the suppes, because you know they are going to have to work, when we can't get anybody in there to load trucks, or unload trailors. so get ready to file your grievences, because it will be double time now.

blue efficacy

Well-Known Member
Maybe this contract won't be such a loss for us Part Timers after all! I see double shifting in my future...

If UPS would rather pay me over $22 an hour to double shift on preload than pay a decent wage from the start, well thats typical penny wise pound foolish UPS!


Well-Known Member
compare the manager job at MCD to a managers job at UPS? Big difference.

OK I just can't resist this one!

Tie, you just keep telling yourself that cause it makes you feel more important!!!!


Besides, a lot of managers move up to become franchisee owners so you could say that Mickey D's now has a better MIP plan than UPS!

You gotta admit Tie, you laid that softball right over the center of the plate for me to knock out of the yard, I'm just surprised 705Red didn't wear you out with it. Red, you going soft on Tie these days?

Tie, I still love ya anyway.

You know this starting wage does bring up a potential interesting scenario with respect to federal and state minimum wage laws. The federal level will increase to $7.25 or $7.50 an hour over the next year or so and this got passed with lots of support from both democrats and republicans. I've not addressed as others have of what is going on at the State level.

The Federal raise happened leading into the midterm elections of 2006' and both parties saw it as a chance to in effect, buy votes but the democrats obviously won the day last November. Nothing will happen further leading into the 08' elections but watch the midterms in 2010' especially if the democrats win the White house and further add to their numbers in Congress. There was a minor push in Congress in 06' to take the minimum wage over $9 per hour but lacked the steam to get it. In 2010' things will be different and $9 plus per hour is a real possible doer, especially if both parties believe they can capitalize on it at the ballot box.

When I came to work at UPS back in 81', the starting wage at UPS being below the federal minimum wage level was unthinkable. This latest contract of which we are waiting to hear if ratified I believe will be the first to see the starting wage raised as a result of Federal law and not as a result of the contract table.

As an aside to this issue, I was told by a friend who is a manager that our district HR manager said that UPS is "now hiring the best of the unemployable!" I'm sure some will question my source and that's cool and some will say that the comment is hyberbole but here's something to consider. Take a moment and look hard across our new hire PT ranks and then consider that comment again. Based on what I see and I'm damn lucky to be where I'm at, that quote is dead on the money.

This said, I think the point of this thread was a very good one and something that all sides need to consider. The PT ranks IMO have the numbers to totally dominate the contract and so something about their wage but are unwilling at this point to join in a concerted effort to flex the muscle they have. If they ever do, the FTer of which I am one will be at their total mercy at the contract table. UPSPTTimer started a thread entitled "UPSers are Doomed" and to be honest I've heard that on every contract since 1981' and yet here we are making more money and with a larger UPS Teamster covered workforce than last contract. But, the man in item #2 in his lead post makes an interesting observation about his fellow pters that relates to this subject matter IMO. You may disagree with his points but I found his observations of interest based on the perspective he comes from. When it comes to knowing his fellow pters, I'll step aside and let his expertise rule the day.



I was talking to my friends who commute 30 miles each way to work at the Denver air hub every morning and he thinks the contract pure stinks. He along with the rest of the air hub will be voting no on the ballot. I think the only problem brown pt'ers still have are the people that just started that do not have a clue what the company or union is about. Only time will tell.

browned out

Well-Known Member
And these best of the unemployables will become drivers someday. It all rolls down hill.

Today My helper was older than me and I'm nearing 40.
Pretty soon UPS willl be hiring seniors like McDonalds.


OK I just can't resist this one!

Tie, you just keep telling yourself that cause it makes you feel more important!!!!

probably. I'm practicing writing 100,000 word essays so I can move up to your level....:wink2:

Besides, a lot of managers move up to become franchisee owners so you could say that Mickey D's now has a better MIP plan than UPS!

until they save up the bucks to do so their is no comparison. I could be wrong but I don't think you advance to owner I think you actually have to buy the franchise?

You gotta admit Tie, you laid that softball right over the center of the plate for me to knock out of the yard, I'm just surprised 705Red didn't wear you out with it. Red, you going soft on Tie these days?

Red pulled off a lucky win against me in fantasy. He's fat and happy right now.


Well-Known Member
since the national contract has passed, what will become of local 705 since I am told we mirror national, I am being told we havn't even sat down and disscussed our own contract, someone please enlighten me.....thanks


Well-Known Member
Trying to use the McDonalds analogy is just plain stupid.

Most store managers make in the low to high 30's. Obviously a few make more in larger stores. These are the managers you are talking about NOT the actual owners who own the store.
Taken from a site:

On the franchising front, McDonald’s has become somewhat of a mystery. Are franchise opportunities still available? If so, where? No one knows for sure where North America’s most successful franchise system is going to expand next – the company has fallen off the radar in terms of franchise expansion, in North America anyway. But, you never know... it may be a good idea to go to their website now, apply and get yourself in line because the phone may just ring when you least expect it.


  • Franchising since: 1955
  • Locations - U.S.: 11,600+
  • Locations - Canada: 890+
  • Locations - Foreign: 9,900+
  • Company Owned: 8,350+
Costs & Fees

  • Total Investment: $506K - $1.6M
  • Franchise Fee: $45K
  • Unencumbered Capital Required: $200,000 - $650,000
Financial Requirements

  • New Restautants: Initial downpayment of 40% of total cost (minimum)
  • Re-Sales: 25% of total cost
Other Facts

  • Financing: Third party.
  • Royalty: 4% of monthly sales
  • Training: 9 months – 24 months (part-time basis)
  • Annual revenue: $20.46 billion (2005)
  • Average revenue per store: $633,000
You honestly think a store manager is going to come up with several million to buy a NEW franchise, when most are all gone?

Please act as if you scored on Tie but you yourself looked like an idiot.