Paycheck question for month old part time to full time preloader in Sharonville, Ohio.
First week I got paid for overtime worked in a single day 2 days in that period orientation
2nd check full week I received OT pay for work over 20hrs that week
3rd check they changed it to anything over 25hrs was paid in OT wages lost a few OT hrs rate due to that. Thought maybe it was cause I worked the Friday after thanksgiving.
This past week same I worked 41.23hrs wasn’t paid OT until over 25hrs. That was first check that had $38 taken out for union dues, and the first time I seen $150 retention amount
Aren’t we supposed to be paid OT wages on Fri and Sat? I’ve worked every Fri and sat since beginning of Nov.
Started doing drivers helper after my shift which has been 2am to 9am almost everyday.
I’m a worker but no

? Not familiar with union contract.
Does this mean I need to go to war?? My clock in and out has been adjusted by management to I start working as soon as I punch in not anymore tho. Today clock I stated I was late but haven’t missed a day or been late since my start.
What to do? Need help, love the job but won’t put up with this!!!!