cashmen said:How can a pt timer complain when they get full medical benefits for you and your family after 180 days.........hell, I dont know of any pt jobs that give full medical is why i stuck around UPS for so long as a part timer......medical benefits make a hell of a lot of difference when ya have a family!
I know that 8 an hour is not alot nowadays, but that is just starting pay, you can get raises by taking a sort test and drive on Saturdays and not to mention Full Medical benefits for you and your family!
I just think that kids nowadays dont want to work anymore and want the high paying office job right away instead of working for it!

And then you wonder why there is a high turn over rate?
What really infuriates me is when UPS pats themselves on the back when they are getting raves because they are considered one of the most admired companies to work for. Are you kidding me? if the poll takers want to get an accurate reading on what it is like to work for at UPS how about interviewing the people who actually do the work. I am not talking about mgmt, I am talking about the hourlys, especially the pt's who only get 8.00 an hour.
This has to change on the next contract. But it wont, especially if Hoffa stays in office.
One other thing cashman (hey I am on a roll here) You said that is why you stuck around here, because of the medical benefits, i have a feeling when you started, you were getting paid a lot more--pre 1982--. I have been here going on 29 years next month. Yes the medical benefits were good but so was the pay. As far more money for being a sorter, when PAS goes national, sort pay will be obsolete. Because the PAS tells you were to sort a package, hense you dont have to take a sort test, that means all sorters will be unskilled. As far as medical benefits for new hires, as someone said on this board, most of them are covered by their parents. they could care less of medical benefits.
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