Corvettes, Harleys, Steam Cleaners. I wish I had fancy toys like this.
Brown, I'm gonna preach to you here.
There's "light at the end of the tunnel". I been there, done that, got the t-shirt to prove it, to coin a phrase.
Don't know how old you are but I see on one of the posts that you got snot machines still at home. That ain't bad. I'll just say I don't think my life STARTED until I passed 50. Got divorced before that but had to play catch-up on the abyss of debt that she threw me in. Had 3-room apt that you could sit on crapper, manually change TV channels in living room and cook dinner at the same time, it was so small. BUT, it served it's purpose.
I continually worked to be out of debt. I didn't work to buy toys. I worked to make my credit good again. It was hard, very hard. Got made fun of because of lifestyle. Didn't eat out, didn't go out, didn't do nuthin, didn't buy nuthin. But it worked.
Got outta debt, threw away credit cards, got alimony stopped (she remarried, which was a complete and happy shock to me and others) and started building savings, 401, Roth's, etc. A Harley came along, I had cash, I bought it. Wasn't looking, it just fell into my life. Ain't been sorry.
A wonderful lady stepped into my life that shared my views on things, we got married and she has helped me sustain what I was working debt, no money worries. She is a miser. BUT, she is pushing me to get this race car done. She pushed me into buying this Corvette.
We bought this house, which is more house than I've ever had in my life, built more garages than I've ever had in my life, stocked with more tools than I've ever had in my life, all with the view to just stay outta debt and not stock toys. The toys just came along.
I'm retired now and loving every minute of this life and, hopefully, am still young enough to do so.
My point? I hope you're not envying what others have and are just working to supply the needs of your family and stay out of debt and, hopefully, build a little for emergencies or the proverbial "nest egg". Believe me, if you live this way, the rest will come.
There, now let others bash me for being "Rev. Race".