Newt Gingrich


Well-Known Member
You keep spouting this kind of crap assumptions. The fact is you have no idea what is pervasive in the GOP. Do you even personally know any republicans? Do they ALL have that same attitude?

I know quite a few GOPers, some of them even hold elective office, and the attitude MFE asserted above does have a place in the discussion. Is it 100% unanimous across the board? I'd say no and we'd agree there but the ideal is there. In another thread I posted a quick video clip of FoxNews Tucker Carlson, a young GOP wonk/mouthpiece, and in a few seconds he expresses the attitude MFE asserts very clearly IMO.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You keep spouting this kind of crap assumptions. The fact is you have no idea what is pervasive in the GOP. Do you even personally know any republicans? Do they ALL have that same attitude?

Only the hardliners. So, the answer to your question is YES.

War, Guns, shoot first ask questions later, seems like the standard GOP TALKING POINTS.




golden ticket member


Staff member
Ever see "Team America, World Police"? My guess is that's where you grabbed the last part. That sort of attitude is pervasive in the GOP, and illustrates their utter ignorance of the world that exists outside the USA.



Well-Known Member
Our founding fathers were such idiots. I mean they had this looney idea that people are innocent until the gov't presents hard evidence to prove they are guilty and they even came up with these provisions in which the gov't must recognize that the meer mundane citizen is protected in his person and property and thus can't be made to be a source of evidence against him/herself. But we are so lucky to have the great Professor Gingrich who is here to now save us from the folly of the founding fathers.

Gingrich and O'Reilly champion mandatory drug testing for everyone. But then we are all terrorists until we prove otherwise to board an airplane so the precedence has in some sense been set.

If I can make person A think that person B is a constant threat and make person B think that person A is a constant threat and I'm able to propagate that fear between the 2 while I also convince both person A and person B that I can protect each of them from the other and the more power I have regardless what it is, the better able I am at protecting both. Now, what stops me from becoming the real threat to both person A and person B?

Maybe I really understand that person A and person B are the threat to me and my secret is to keep them at odds with one another which is the real secret to how I maintain power and even achieve more of it.

Fear is the mindkiller!


Engorged Member
You keep spouting this kind of crap assumptions. The fact is you have no idea what is pervasive in the GOP. Do you even personally know any republicans? Do they ALL have that same attitude?

I know lots of Republicans. My nuclear family is all Right Wing, and I hear it all the time. I also get the crazy emails showing photoshopped pictures of Obama holding the Koran and others from ex-military people (instant credibility among the GOP) that "prove" Obama is a Socialist/Communist/African/Nazi/Muslim Sympathizer etc. It's pervasive.


golden ticket member
This actually happened. My neighbor loaned me a dvd.....It was that Team America movie. I started watching it and stopped it thinking, what kind of a maroon would watch this garbage?? Really, it happened.


Engorged Member
This actually happened. My neighbor loaned me a dvd.....It was that Team America movie. I started watching it and stopped it thinking, what kind of a maroon would watch this garbage?? Really, it happened.

GREAT movie. It pokes fun at the whole idea that the USA is the world's "policeman", and really slams cultural ignorance. I'm not surprised you hated it.


Staff member
This actually happened. My neighbor loaned me a dvd.....It was that Team America movie. I started watching it and stopped it thinking, what kind of a maroon would watch this garbage?? Really, it happened.

So satire is above your comprehension?


golden ticket member
I read, but not garbage.

I watch, but am not programmed by MSNBC and Tingles. I watch what interests or amuses me.....none of which is cartoons or clay figures.

I listen, but not to something that is not even hip hop or rap. If you are singing words, the listener should be able to understand to know what you are singing about.


Well-Known Member
My convicted drug addict "baby mama" has the same has the same facial expressions. (nodding out)

sorry mr. gingrich...your just not presidential material.