Congratulations you finally mustered up the courage to almost admit that zer0bama is a hypocrite that uses double standards. Yes, Newt does it too, never denied that. I have also said more than once that Newt was not my choice and there were many political actions he has taken that I do not like.
I too would have liked to have heard more from Daniels and Huntsman, but that was not to be and why I don't really know.
I do get tired of defending one after another from ridiculous claims that are based on leftist vitriol twisting of facts and down right lies. What I do find funny is that the only one's you call down are the people that argue from the right side of the spectrum, yet claim yourself to be a middle of the roader.
What this right leaning independent wants is a candidate that tells it like it is and is upfront and honest and determined to help the USA get back on it's feet and healthy again. If I thought that anyone of the remaining four fit that bill, I would have volunteered my time and money to fully support them. I am still waiting.
Only in black jack is doubling down considered a good play and that doesn't always come to be. What I do see is zer0bama's hypocrisy and double standards on a regular basis and no one from the left is recognizing them for what they are and they sure don't condemn him for them.
Some of your criticism is probably correct. I do lean left, but as a business owner will selfishly enjoy conservative gifts to business. I don't know how much more evidence you need than my continuous wish to see Huntsman taken seriously. As it stands, though, I have never seen the current republican party interested in "fixing" anything. I have seen only continuous attempts to make Obama a "one term president". There is absolutely nothin "socialist" about anything Obama has done. Aside from some rhetoric now and then, he has been ridiculously kind to the business community and only when (like spoiled brats) they don't get exactly what they feel entitled to, do the long knives come out. Look at "Obamacare". That "socialism" is bringing billions to the PRIVATE insurance companies.
And yes, I probably give the benefit of the doubt on hypocrisy charges because I think candidates foolishly say things on the campaign trail that while sincere, in actuality have no chance of happening. Case in point, Guantanimo. I think Obama to this very day would like to close it down but it is simply not politically possible. I think Obama in wanting a "transparent" administration has probably been well versed in matters of national security and political prudence to have reversed course on many of those points as I believe every administration does.
So while I am far from suggesting that the president and the democrats are blameless, I have yet to see serious people on the other side in making progress for the nation. And while it will probably cost me more in taxes, I think we need to get serious about deficit reduction in real ways from both sides. To me it's ridiculously simple. Let the Bush/Obama tax cuts expire and make some modest cuts in spending across the board.
And finally, to the job creators. WTF?! Explain how we can't create jobs because of "regulatory uncertainty". In some instances that could be the case like building multi-billion dollar factories, but in established businesses where's the problem? If I hire five people tomorrow who don't have jobs and in two months regulation causes me to layoff those five people, where the problem? Fact is, businesses have found a way to pad the bottom line and can enjoy a 9% unemployment rate from which to choose employees.