The teamsters page shows two pages also.
804 did not vote blindly like alot of other UPSers did. They asked for answers for definite answers for vague or omitted language.
Another example of the vague language was all part timers will be placed in the UPS benifet plan that includes a prescription card.
If I was a part timer, I would have asked to see this plan. I could care less about the card; part timers rxs are paid in full already. Tell meyou about the actual benifets, deductables, if I can see my own doctor etc.
I am sure UPS knows what plan they are going to use. We all know how UPS loves to send out material and mailings.(I got 3 on the new CS pension) Why was the new health care plan not sent out?
Anyhow it looks like 804 read their contract and demanded answers.
As you said Tie, where is the pension language? the 804ers asked the same question before they voted.
I would imagine the prescription card is a nice feature since you don't have to pay out of pocket but I understand your point.
As far as the rest of your post I have always encouraged those of you out there to go to your local and ask the questions.
Back to my original question what is the language they are objecting to?