My my my, dont we assume to know all. If I remember correctly, and I checked out my initial post on this, APWA supporters did successfully thwart an initial IBT attempt with an injunction after a large block of voters who had previously signed IBT cards reversed their decision. And Brett, when I further review that initial post, I see that at least 30% of those Indy people were supporting the APWA and there was actually a >50% majority for the APWA at one time till some physical persuasion convinced some of those guys to reconsider. Given that 30% support I kinda wonder if that is a done deal in Indy....Hmmmmm, I wonder......I think I'll wait till the ink is dry
Time will tell. I'm sure this large task lying before us seems unsurmountable to you. I hope the magnitude of the task brings you comfort, as the potential that lies in achieving that goal drives the rest of us.