I'm in the central region.
I'm almost sure there is, or was, language in the discrimination article that referred to "handicap" as well as the other protected classes.
Show me I'm wrong.
The contract (Art 14 Sec3 ) specifically makes reference to ADA "or applicable state laws". Article 16 Sec 6 last sentence "The provisions of this section are in response to the Federal Act and shall not supersede and state or local law which provides for greater employee rights". Art. 25 basically says that any law, Federal, State or Local supersede the contract and any part of the contract can be overridden by law.
The Americans with Act (ADA) supersedes all contractual obligations past or present. The courts decisions on the ADA ,past and present, may occasionally change the direction of the employees but there is nothing other than this. Any memory of anything is inconsequential when the present contract supersedes this. It is the same thing as saying I should get paid for a holiday because I worked the day before and not the day after because the old language said that was correct. I would lose that every time because the new language says the day before AND after.