No masks and no VX


Staff member
Good thing flu shots have been around for a while and were properly tested before being forced on people. Oh wait, there's literally never been a push for universal flu shotting. That will be coming, there's at least one university starting to mandate them. Make sure to download your vaccine passport/social credit app. You won't be allowed to buy food if you can't prove that you are a good, compliant little herd animal.
Did I trigger you?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Brevity is the soul of wit.

The shirt should simply say Transvaccinated. And that's it.

Anybody who isn't smart enough to get it, won't get it. But it weakens the joke to explain it.
I think you feeling the necessity to post a comment that dissects the meaning of a simple meme, weakens about everything you say.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes it’s not all about you.
My 89 year old , refuse to get the vax, that’s living with us now, mother in law, needed every word and laughed and laughed because she got it.
Impressing an 89 year old isn't hard.

I know it's not about me.

That's why I gave up my time to fix it for you.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Now they are changing the goal posts.
To be called fully vacced, one will need unknown amount of booster shots.

"People with certain health conditions that make them moderately or severely immunocompromised may get a fourth mRNA Covid-19 shot, according to updated guidelines from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Research showed that a booster dose enhanced the antibody response to the vaccine in certain immunocompromised people.

That would make for a fourth shot at least six months after completing the third mRNA vaccine dose. At this time, the CDC does not have a recommendation about the fourth shot. People should talk to their doctors to determine if it is necessary, the CDC says."