No Masks, No Hand Sanitizer, Filthy Facilities: A Sick UPS Worker Speaks Out


nowhere special
No I am suggesting that at the beginning of the year steps should have been taken to ease up on those regulations, and that if Trump ever paid attention to his intelligence briefings then stuff that is happening right now may not have been as dire as they are.
Trump and his god awful management style have :censored2:ed this country over, but you keep clinging to that" it's the Democrats fault"

throne of lies.gif


Inordinately Right
Intelligence reports warned about a pandemic in January. Trump reportedly ignored them.
They knew then how bad it was, or are you saying that US intelligence wasn't aware of what was going on in a country that we have an adversarial relationship with?
Or is that the Democrats fault too?
Vox, lol, you know you can just directly link to communist China's state run media, Google chrome will automatically translate it.

Ignore their liberal bias and look at the facts. China and the WHO were lying. Our country's pandemic response plan, set by the previous administration, was to coordinate with the WHO. That's what Trump's administration did.


The truth never changes.
If you’ve learned anything about UPS, the ONLY thing this company cares about it THE VALUE OF THE THIER STOCK PRICE!!!!
I would add to that:

Liability (not safety) and public opinion (media reports that are negative).

Both of which may affect the stock price.


Just a turd
Vox, lol, you know you can just directly link to communist China's state run media, Google chrome will automatically translate it.

Ignore their liberal bias and look at the facts. China and the WHO were lying. Our country's pandemic response plan, set by the previous administration, was to coordinate with the WHO. That's what Trump's administration did.

So you want me to believe that our intelligence community did not have people and assets in China when this 1st broke in November?
So you are telling me that the United States does not gather intelligence on all aspects of what goes on in China, and no daily report was generated by them to the President of the United States for an intelligence briefing in November, December, or January about the seriousness of the situation in China?
Either he did and he :censored2:ed up, or this country has a more serious problem than the Coronavirus if that is the type intelligence we have on our foes.
But it's the Democrats fault...


Inordinately Right
So you want me to believe that our intelligence community did not have people and assets in China when this 1st broke in November?

But it's the Democrats fault...
I'm not sure why you think our intelligence assets have access to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. I think they rely on the world health organization to alert the world to these things. Unfortunately China gave millions of dollars to an Ethiopian politician and then sponsored, and successfully got him appointed, to be the head of that organization.

(R) Tom Cotton began sounding the alarm in January. In fact he was criticized for it by Democrats, because he was missing the hoax Impeachment trial to investigate. Trump acted quickly under the circumstances.


Well-Known Member
A month ago, Trump said: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”

Yesterday, he said: “I don’t believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators.”

What will it take to get @realdonaldtrump to listen to experts instead of his own hunches?


Inordinately Right
A month ago, Trump said: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”

Yesterday, he said: “I don’t believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators.”

What will it take to get @realdonaldtrump to listen to experts instead of his own hunches?
Joe Biden on Trump's China travel ban:

“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fear mongering,”


Yes, I know I'm working late.
A month ago, Trump said: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”

Yesterday, he said: “I don’t believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators.”

What will it take to get @realdonaldtrump to listen to experts instead of his own hunches?
No question you are management. A crazy one at that. I bet you are a real circus in "your" building. Do the drivers laugh at you while you are on your crazy rants?

Poop Head

Judge me.
Might as well get the virus and be done with it unless you are in the high risk group. No way you will stop this. People are still moving around. Less than 2 percent fatality rate, most of those in the high risk groups.
Yes! Could have got rid of some of the slag. Now everyone is effed. You though the monopolies were bad before this? Just wait. We gonna be eating bezoflakes soon


Impeach Hunter Biden
So you want me to believe that our intelligence community did not have people and assets in China when this 1st broke in November?
So you are telling me that the United States does not gather intelligence on all aspects of what goes on in China, and no daily report was generated by them to the President of the United States for an intelligence briefing in November, December, or January about the seriousness of the situation in China?
Either he did and he :censored2:ed up, or this country has a more serious problem than the Coronavirus if that is the type intelligence we have on our foes.
But it's the Democrats fault...

From article.

“If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.


Impeach Hunter Biden
I'm not sure why you think our intelligence assets have access to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. I think they rely on the world health organization to alert the world to these things. Unfortunately China gave millions of dollars to an Ethiopian politician and then sponsored, and successfully got him appointed, to be the head of that organization.

(R) Tom Cotton began sounding the alarm in January. In fact he was criticized for it by Democrats, because he was missing the hoax Impeachment trial to investigate. Trump acted quickly under the circumstances.

Wrong. The government always acts in your best interest. They want you to be healthy and successful. The
Democrats only control the House, not the Senate or the Presidency.
The orange man needs to man up, and accept responsibility for his and his governments piss poor intial response to this crisis.

Been going on for 15 years and two presidents. But I guess the buck finally stopped.

Donald Trump Says America’s Ventilator Shortage Was “Unforeseen.” Nothing Could Be Further From the Truth.