
Well-Known Member
This is a blurb taken from a Barron's article regarding the possibility of an interest rate cut tomorrow by the Fed..........

"That being said, United Parcel Service could offer further potential upside due to strong international growth, a continued recovery in its supply-chain business, and a potential early labor agreement with the also drive potential share-price appreciation in the near term as a major overhang on the stock would be removed."

It mentions a "potential early labor agreement".......I hope that means they know something we don't know.

It appears negotiations have been postponed yet again to negotiate regional supplements with any deadlocked issues to be sent to the national committee. With them resuming Sept. 24 I have my doubts any tough issues can be negotiated in one weeks time. Although an early agreement would be nice.


Well-Known Member
We have shareholders now that we need to impress, which we didn't have to worry about in '77 or '97. (I was lucky enough to witness both).

And I know that few of us are crazy about the fact that the company has gone public, but now that it has, maybe the company and the union won't be playing their usual game of chicken until the last minute like usual in their negotiations.

Shareholders wouldn't like to see UPS lose millions a day if they're out on strike. What did we lose last time? 600 mil or so? And would these same shareholders be proud of a company that screws up the transport of goods all over the country?

August! What a perfect time to strike! Just in time for schools all over the country to receive their books and curriculums! Or not....

And also when flu and other vaccines are delivered. In '97, God knows how many measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis and pet vaccines were returned because they sat in the system and expired in the heat. I remember getting irate calls from the companies who lost a fortune
on these products and I heard all about the patients who weren't treated.

NAAHH, I doubt if we want any more bad publicity now that the
stockholders seem to be calling the shots.


golden ticket member
Presently, the Autoworkers are working even though the contract expired last Friday.......seems like the smart thing to do when the alternative is like $55 a week or something ridiculous like that.


Well-Known Member
Presently, the Autoworkers are working even though the contract expired last Friday.......seems like the smart thing to do when the alternative is like $55 a week or something ridiculous like that.

Hey More, I know with the Teamsters that their on a different time schedule. Remember what Jonfrum said, that non registered user. That gets all the free beenies and dosen't pay dues at the Brown Cafe. What a sc..... Well I wont say it. LOL He said the Teamsters were dysfunctional, Mental Illness perphaps. They still think its 1907. The $55 a week would make you a millonare in their eyes. Actually their thinking about cutting it back to $24.69 and giving you a case of milwakee best beer and a bag of pretzels. Yipeee!!!!


Agent of Change
We have shareholders now that we need to impress, which we didn't have to worry about in '77 or '97.

I read something about this in 2003, right after I was hired the first time. The gist was that if UPS workers went out on strike ever again, the shareholders would lynch the CEO, Board of Directors and all other members of upper-management they could get their hands on :w00t:. -Rocky


Well-Known Member
I read something about this in 2003, right after I was hired the first time. The gist was that if UPS workers went out on strike ever again, the shareholders would lynch the CEO, Board of Directors and all other members of upper-management they could get their hands on :w00t:. -Rocky

Hey Rock would that include our good ol buddy Tie. LMAO Just kidding. Hey Rock in your reference to the rope(Lynch). There are positives in using the rope. One, its a sure deterent. Do as Clint woud do, Hang em high in the town square. Let everyone view and it just might have an affect or effect on the populace(upper mgt,Br/ass). Two, Its cheap, you can use it over and over(no offense 9/5) again without draining(economics) you dry. Third, Its old school, back when the great founder Jim Casey used to live. Long Live the Memory of our Great Founder Jim Casey. Jim you will not be forgotten. A Huge Wall of Black stone Granite with your name on it should be planted or dropped right in Mr. Micheal Eskews Office. Just as a little reminder. I don't know about the rest of the centers, but since its the 100 anaversary we have his great quotes posted all over our building(dont forget the airplane stamp they sent to us). Its just tooo bad, the Upper Brass dosen't follow this Great Man's advice. Jim, You will not be forgotten. As I have the breath in my lungs and the ability to stand, I will fight the good fight. To defend your honor. Jim You Are my CEO as far as Im concerned. Sgt Area 43, reporting for duty.


Well-Known Member
Long Live the Memory of our Great Founder Jim Casey. Jim you will not be forgotten. A Huge Wall of Black stone Granite with your name on it should be planted or dropped right in Mr. Micheal Eskews Office. Just as a little reminder. I don't know about the rest of the centers, but since its the 100 anaversary we have his great quotes posted all over our building(dont forget the airplane stamp they sent to us). Its just tooo bad, the Upper Brass dosen't follow this Great Man's advice. Jim, You will not be forgotten. As I have the breath in my lungs and the ability to stand, I will fight the good fight. To defend your honor. Jim You Are my CEO as far as Im concerned. Sgt Area 43, reporting for duty.

You're right, A.43.

Casey was a visionary who acted on his ideas.

Here are his 10 Commandments, BTW, and just how many are still intact today?

1.) "The future of the package industry is in the air"
Air service began in 1928. :thumbup1:

2.) "A fair day's work for a fair day's pay"
I remember when nobody ran over or under. I completed this district's daily center performance sheets way back when the drivers simply did their jobs every day. :lol:

3.) "Don't make company demands that border on harassment"

4.) "They are advised to constantly seek better, safer work
Faster, FASTER, FASTER....!!!...!!!... :w00t:

5.) "Provide the best possible service for the least money."
'Left in Buildings'? 'Damages'? Shipping Discounts? :no:

6.) "Always promote from our own ranks"
Yeah, just ask Mr. CEO! He'll tell you everything you want to know about time studies! :thumbup:

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]7.) [FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]"No stock outside the company"[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]:blushing:

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]8.) "Treat your people well and the company will florish."[/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]:sad:

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]9.) [FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]"Stay close to your employees."[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]:crying:

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]10.) ."Personal pride and dignity are essential to each employee, without this management fails and the company will not prosper."[/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]:confused:1

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Browncafe Steward
Management has a little thing on their side. Maybe you've heard on it, it's called PAS.:ohmy:
Exactly how is that an advantage? So they know what addresses to go to and how many packages are going to that stop. They still need the people to perform these jobs without skipping a beat! You sound like a sup there 1989, i thought you sais you were a super cover driver? You also must have that idea that anyone can be a ups driver thanks to pass/edd, well we the drivers know and have seen others try and since the pas/edd came into play, less drivers make their probationary period. Any guesses why?


Well-Known Member
It appears negotiations have been postponed yet again to negotiate regional supplements with any deadlocked issues to be sent to the national committee. With them resuming Sept. 24 I have my doubts any tough issues can be negotiated in one weeks time. Although an early agreement would be nice.


I'm like you in thinking what can be really done in one week's time but like myself you've probably gotten the IBT mailings on the contract updates. In all the mailings and in all the other crosstalk from the union, the common comment is, "to get this done by 10/1/07" and then another comment tends to follow suit of "having the contract ratified and in place by 1/1/2008." But wait, our contract doesn't expire before 7/31/08' so why the mad rush to get this done?

Both sides are scared to death of the new ERISA provisions expected to come into play at midnight 12/31/07 and are a fever pitch to get this whole thing done so it can go out for a vote, get ratified and then I suspect this new contract will supercede the current contract and they are safe from ERISA. Would make me think we might get another raise about Christmas time too but then IMO, that may be overly hopeful considering the cost of this CS mess. I'm not looking for much raise at all on this next contract cycle so I wouldn't be expecting one.

What concerns me in all this mad rush is the lack of attention to details that we only learn latter to our own demise. I'm all for leaving CS and have been for years. I was for it back in 97' and it's just a dam# shame that this is exactly what we appear to be doing in 2007' and we could have done this 10 years ago and already be 10 years ahead in the game. Not to mention maybe avoiding a stupid strike and greenlighting FedEx to buy old RPS in 1998'. Where would we be now had we not gone that route? I'd like some of you Carey cheerleaders to answer that one!

Both sides want this done and want it bad. Make no mistake on that as they fear these new rules bigtime. For once,we have bothsides where we want them and we are in some sense in the driver seat. Everyone needs to ask tons of questions and demand detailed answers, not the general vague BS we tend to get at the hall or from the company out of Glenlake when we tend to ask for specifics on things. This situation is not only important to ourselves first and foremost but it will have an effect on the longterm health of the company and let's be honest, a sorry, shotty pension plan for us could also greenlight the Glenlake beancounters to cut and dice the plans of the PTers, hourly non-union and yes even the lower management pension plans just so they can score points with Wall Street. And for you Brown coolaid drinkers who think my assertion that UPS would apart of something that would in time prove to be wrong and/or at error! I've give you 2 words that UPS can make a serious mistake cost good UPSers lots of money over the longterm. OverSeas Partners. And another mistake that even Eskew admitted on a recent History Channel broadcast called "History's Business" was going public with it's stock and to that one I'll just say to Mike and all the rest.


If we demand a great plan and get one, then I also believe this offers a layer of protection for the above mentioned groups of PTers, non-union hourly and yes even management who IMO among the lower ranks having taken it the worst on the chin with what has happened with the stock after going public. I have some folks who are my friends among the Tie wearing ranks and I want them to have the good life after UPS as much as I do because IMO they've worked their arse off putting up with all the ivory tower BS and yes even some of the BS we throw back at em' when we've finally had enough of the crap from the top.

I think this is a great opportunity for us as UPSers and it's also one for the IBT and yes even UPS as a company. It will be the last and final time IMO so let's get it right now and be done with this. We now have ERISA so to speak on our side so like a sharpe deadly weapon, let's not be afraid to use if when the time comes if need be!


Joe Blow

Did we really forget why we struck 10 years ago? UPS management blew it! They thought we were gonna fold and give in to their rediculous contract offer. They wanted to replace full time employees with part time work. They really didn't think that the country was going to support us the way they did. There were so many holes in there offer, we had no choice but to go out. My take on the next contract is that the union is cash blind. Willing to take the UPS cash and run. Once central states goes over, the rest of the union will be considerably weakened. I think Hoffa is going to sell us out!


Senior Member
Did we really forget why we struck 10 years ago? UPS management blew it! They thought we were gonna fold and give in to their rediculous contract offer. They wanted to replace full time employees with part time work. They really didn't think that the country was going to support us the way they did. There were so many holes in there offer, we had no choice but to go out. My take on the next contract is that the union is cash blind. Willing to take the UPS cash and run. Once central states goes over, the rest of the union will be considerably weakened. I think Hoffa is going to sell us out!
If you think that was the reason behind the strike, then you are totally brainwashed or just ignorant of the facts.


Well-Known Member
In my personal opinion, on 01 Aug 2008, we continue working under a 90 day extension of the contract, then on 01 Nov 2008, take another 30 day extension (to bargain in good faith of course), then on 01 Dec 2008, we go out on strike.


Active Member
Reminder: The internet is called www. for a reason. Everybody with a computer and an ISP can access stuff posted on it. I'd suggest discussions on striking be confined to less public venues for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the one about the UPS thought police and corporate mind-benders knowing all your personal business. There's my 2 cents worth towards your food for thought....

"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." - Mark Twain


Agent of Change
In my personal opinion, on 01 Aug 2008, we continue working under a 90 day extension of the contract, then on 01 Nov 2008, take another 30 day extension (to bargain in good faith of course), then on 01 Dec 2008, we go out on strike.

Uhhhhhhh.......I THINK NOT!!!!!!!!!!! I can see the extensions but I can't see us walking. This company, never mind the IBT, wouldn't survive such a decision. Add that to walking at Christmas.....yeah, I can see it now: people in New York, Boston and Chicago at our HUB's demanding their packages. THIS BETTER NEVER HAPPEN!!!!! Remember Eastern Airlines?? Any one of a number of airlines that went under in the late '80s and early '90s also come to mind. If I'm not mistaken, Eastern or TWA had a strike (or a near strike) right around Christmas. NEITHER IS IN EXISTENCE ANYMORE!!!! Does ANYONE want this to happen to UPS?? It doesn't matter what we think of management, either. -Rocky

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I recall UPS saying they could not afford to pay for all our proposals and still stay in business back in 97. They made 1.1 billion the year before the strike and 900 million the year of the strike. The profit went back over 1 billion plus the very next year and up and up and up. UPS made over 4 billion dollars in 2006! I don't think there will be a strike but I have 3 months saved up and ready to go and that does not include 401k.

Don't forget one thing...Protfits hinge on customers giving UPS packages. In 97, nobody had the network to handle the packages, so there were service issues or packages that never went anywhere. This time around - there are plenty of carriers that have built up their network (most importantly FDX and DHL). These carriers will probably struggle initially but will make it work and take the business PERMANENTLY away from UPS. The company will shrink to a third rate carrier with out the volume. Jobs will go fast. Locations will be closed and volume consolidated quickly. It will be hit and miss on senoirity depending on where you work. You might have 25 years and be unemployed depending on where you work!!!:crying:

I watched the company close Alaska back in the '80s when they could not reach a labor agreement. Everything sat including the building and equipment.:crying:

Don't take FDX or DHL for granted this time. They are ready to pounce like a panther and I doubt they will have any integrety if they smell blood!:w00t::w00t:


Retired Senior Member
My steward showed up in his local supplied shirt today before he changed into his uni. He said it was about time he got something besides grief for being a steward!


Senior Member
In my personal opinion, on 01 Aug 2008, we continue working under a 90 day extension of the contract, then on 01 Nov 2008, take another 30 day extension (to bargain in good faith of course), then on 01 Dec 2008, we go out on strike.
you might go on strike on 01 Dec 2008.
Many others won't.
Just my personal opinion.