Nine Lives
I grew up in New York and now live in the ("dirty") south so I am well aware of the cultural and union divides that exist in a RTW state and the northeast. Huge difference. I do agree that employee safety is an oxymoron at UPS (they give us the answers to the safety quizzes) and there is harassment if you tolerate it.
I strongly disagree we are not represented - my steward has always had my back as has the BA anytime there has been an issue. A steward volunteers their time (in my understanding) so I don't expect them to be at the gate like a greeter to welcome me daily - I need to seek them out if I need them and don't expect to talk to them unless I have a question or problem. And I always thank them for their time.
There is a difference between having representation present (non-union) and being represented (union member), you're at management's mercy, IMO, if you're not a member and wind up in their cross hairs. Your union dues are trivial when you look at the expense of hiring a labor attorney if you only value membership for saving your skin. Our benefits, 401K, pension, and pay is due to organized labor - try a big box retailer on for size if you don't see the value of membership.
If you are not in the Union, management cuts you slack big time.
It's not quite DOUBLE STANDARDS but it's at least ONE AND A HALF STANDARDS.