Putting out a litmus test on mandated lunches being crammed down our throats. Would love to hear any/all stories concerning lunches especially ones claiming disciplinary action including any panel stories if they exist. I am hearing rumors and am trying to differentiate between fact and fiction. No lunch taken for years here. Trying to keep it that way. Thanks in Advance.
Have you talked to your Local ?
Looking at your supplement, it appears to be a requirement.
"(d) Except for meal time, working time for all employees shall start when they are instructed to report and do report at the Operating Center, Subcenter or Hub and shall continue until relieved from duty at same regardless of occupation. Employees shall be allowed time out for meals which shall be one (1) hour and shall not begin until the employee has worked four (4) hours except for inside employees whose lunch hour may begin after they have worked three and one-half (3 1/2) hours,
but must begin before he/she has completed five (5) hours of work. Any employee who is ordered to work during any part of his/her meal period shall be paid for the full meal period and
shall be allowed and must take twenty (20) minutes to eat lunch and such time shall be considered as time worked. Any employee who is ordered to work during any part of meal period shall be guaranteed nine (9) hours’ pay for that day."