The way the language is interpreted in package is, If you come to wark and clock in, you are guaranteed 8hrs if you are in the top 90% seniority, The 4 hrs is show up pay(its 6hrs for us) meaning if you are told to show up and sent home after you arive without actually working, you are guaranteed 4hrs pay. The show up pay is for any and all drivers regardless of seniority.
The bottom 10 percent are not guaranteed 8hrs, however seniority will always prevail. If you request 8hrs and are sent home before and someone of lesser seniority gets their 8, you have a grievance!
You should definately file for your 8hr guarantee if your not getting it and let the B/A sort it out at the hearings. UPS management will try to pull off whatever they can to an undereducated workforce. It will help all of you to go to the general membership meetings and get yourself educated on the language in your contract!!
Good Luck!
I would like to hear how this comes out for you!!