Not that hard to imagine: Bread lines?


Well-Known Member
There is a difference between obstructing a transition and putting some sort of differential rating on two different cooperative transitions.

also a difference between a peaceful transition and an attempted coup-de-tat.

you guys :censored2: the bed now sleep in it.


Well-Known Member
Trump was allowed a cooperative and peaceful transition.

trump received a coordinated coup de tat attempt for a transition. I guess it was peaceful in that there was no gun play.

like I said after what you libs put him through the past 4 years I wont be upset if he just ties everything up in court for years.

your side deserves it.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
trump received a coordinated coup de tat attempt for a transition. I guess it was peaceful in that there was no gun play.

like I said after what you libs put him through the past 4 years I wont be upset if he just ties everything up in court for years.

your side deserves it.
Trump was allowed a cooperative and peaceful transition. Put Biden through years of investigations after he’s in office if you want him to go through the same thing. Wouldn’t blame Republicans for doing so.

The problem is that this isn’t really about that at all. You and God Emperor Trump just don’t want to admit he lost.


Well-Known Member
. You and God Emperor Trump just don’t want to admit he lost until the election results have been verified.
fixed it for you correct.

Again the part you have a hard time understanding.

your side tried to screw Trump over in every way imaginable and now you suddenly expect him to rush to concession when the last thing your side should expect is him to trust you.

you sow what you reap. enjoy trumps parting shot

did i mention Stacey Abrahms?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
fixed it for you correct.
You don’t really believe this is about verification. You know the election was legitimate. But I understand how the Trump acolyte thing works.

did i mention Stacey Abrahms?
No, but she seems to be in a far more beneficial role for the Democrats now than she ever would have been as the governor of Georgia. So things probably worked out for the best there.


Inordinately Right
Trump was allowed a cooperative and peaceful transition.
Are you high right now?
Joe Biden himself suggested using the Logan Act against Trump. The previous administration colluded with liberals within the intelligence agencies to undermine the incoming administration every single step of the way. Come back to reality dude.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage

How to deal with the grieving process​

While grieving a loss is an inevitable part of life, there are ways to help cope with the pain, come to terms with your grief, and eventually, find a way to pick up the pieces and move on with your life.

  1. Acknowledge your pain.
  2. Accept that grief can trigger many different and unexpected emotions.
  3. Understand that your grieving process will be unique to you.
  4. Seek out face-to-face support from people who care about you.
  5. Support yourself emotionally by taking care of yourself physically.
  6. Recognize the difference between grief and depression.
A lot of people could have used that over the last 4 years!

The big package

Well-Known Member
I'm sure we can all agree here that potential fraud and possible foreign interference in our election should be taken seriously . We investigated it for 4 years so what's another month or two , Relax and let the investigators check it out . No rush !!! Unless you're worried that they might find something and fix it !!! Like Dominion voting systems smartmatic !!!!

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I'm sure we can all agree here that potential fraud and possible foreign interference in our election should be taken seriously . We investigated it for 4 years so what's another month or two , Relax and let the investigators check it out . No rush !!! Unless you're worried that they might find something and fix it !!! Like Dominion voting systems smartmatic !!!!
It's more likely Domestic forces interfering in our elections than foreign interference.


Well-Known Member
So, Biden/Harris promises to handle the pandemic "better". Initially, the idea is to shut down the economy again. Bread lines were the hallmark of communist regimes. Chronic shortages. We got a small taste(sorry for the pun) at the initial start of the pandemic. So, how much "reserve" do folks have? UPSer's have been lucky. I'm pretty sure the liberal/commies(on BC) would be a lot less embracing of a coming Biden admin. if they were starving. The Democrats have made lot's of promises that are contrary to established business practices and a free economy. Promising forced healthcare and higher taxes. Just to start. Installing far left cabinet/transition teams(same folks who got them elected). Side note: how is the Biden team going to handle all of the South American(whatever) undocumented aliens? These folks having no immunization record of any kind. Pouring over the border and circulating inside America. Sound good? Remember, you asked for this, burned down cities for this, savored it. Dreamed of it. No? Yes you did. Just a small, small part of what is to come. No? Promises have been made on record and broad daylight in plain sight.
ur tripping biden is a right winger, its going to be obama years part deux. so bailouts for hte rich, and average joes taking it on the chin with bankruptcies and austerity....which was just like the trump years.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
biden sucks. as the country comes apart we could see 4 year terms for each party in the presidency instead of hte typical 8. expect a more competent fascist after biden if theres no movement to make biden carry out reforms.
Keep posting like this and I may take you off IGNORE! :raspberry:

I'm glad you understand that the Democrat/Socialists/Antifa/BLM are in fact, fascists.