Wow. I am now convinced Corporations are very bad for America !!???
ISland, will you admit that 20 years ago, there were literally thousands of mom and pop shops across this country? From toy stores, to hardware, to fabric, to markets, to clothing stores.
What has happened to them now that we are in 2012? Where did they go? Do you believe small businesses just decided to get out of the retail business?
The answer is simple. Corporations.
Large retailers like WALMART have put all those businesses out of business. The unfairness of having ONE corporation like WALMART using slave labor in China to provide goods cheaper than the average mom and pop shop could compete with has been too much for american small business.
Whole towns have been wiped out, blocks and blocks of stores lay empty all across this country and in there place, ONE giant supercenter.
We are finally realizing what the policies of the 80's can do to a nation. Today, you praise the corporation and spit on the average person who can no longer make a business prosper.
You praise the corporations and belittle the workers. You got to retire after many years of service with benefits, yet you support a political party who wants to take those benefits away from future americans like yourself.
The corporations have made all the money, they cornered the market and emptied the corners of small city streets.
When I started at UPS, My route was full of mom and pop shops. Fabric stores, hardware stores, shoe stores, toy stores and the like were everywhere. Today, 21 years later, not a single one remains in this town. There are, however, 5 walmarts, 3 target stores, 3 lowes, 3 home depots, 1 sears, 1 kmart and a giant mall.
All those american businesses wiped out for the big corporations.
Yeah Island, they are great.
And yet, you wonder why there is so much unemployment in our country.