Notre Dame Cathedral

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
You typed more words than you had to.
3 letters Y E S
2 letters N O

Thanks, dad.



Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
It's just not an interesting question.
You know if you go with it all came from pond scum (and forget that the pond scum came nothing) its all physical ...what are you going to do with conscience and morality?
Absolute or subjective? Who made the call? When and how?

Not interesting enough?
Pond scum morality is not possible. If it is, please explain.
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Well-Known Member
You never answered .
But if you think "its not correct action" is the answer to why isn't it correct action and the reason that rape/rob/steal isn't correct is " because it just ain't" and you think these are answers...okey dokey..we'll leave it there.

Any child knows correct action, doesn't take a book, just good parents.

Answer my question - how is it that you know more definitively than I do why rape, robbery, and murder are incorrect?

You needle everyone for not answering your questions.

Answer mine: where did YOU get your notion of morality?

Moral Objectivism?

You're so FOS, it's amusing.

Don't bother responding if you're not going to answer my question.

I assume this is goodnight, you have never had a valid response to anyone.

Prove me wrong.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Any child knows correct action, doesn't take a book, just good parents.

Answer my question - how is it that you know more definitively than I do why rape, robbery, and murder are incorrect?

You needle everyone for not answering your questions.

Answer mine: where did YOU get your notion of morality?

Moral Objectivism?

You're so FOS, it's amusing.

Don't bother responding if you're not going to answer my question.

I assume this is goodnight, you have never had a valid response to anyone.

Prove me wrong.


El Correcto

god is dead
How do you know what a GOOD parent is? How is that measured?
Christian morals are just basic human laws. Things we do to avoid conflict while in groups and agreements that keep our groups from fracturing. I’m sure cavemen had rape laws, in the form of you touch any of my women I kill you. It’s a very primal thing, seen even in animals. Theft, was probably dealt with the same way along with murder. As humans grew and became societies these laws were enforced to maintain the group and keep it from fracturing.

Ancient Egyptian Law

From what I can tell Egypt had rape laws before your precious Jewish stories came about. The notion Christianity and Jews are responsible for morality seems to be incorrect to me.

El Correcto

god is dead
As for the good parent thing, Christians back in the day would not be seen as good parents today. Morality evolves with humans over time, we see the impact bad parents have in society by raising :censored2: heads and judge their parenting based on the effects it’ll have on the group. We don’t want welfare cases raising welfare cases, criminals raising criminals or “bad” children on the path to failure in our society influencing children on a path to success.

Morality to me looks more like an evolutionary advantage for a social animal. We have a sense of right and wrong because our ancestors survival depended on maintaining their groups. The groups that stayed together with a sense of “morality” ended up more successful and thrived. The ones who suffered in fighting and lawlessness didn’t.


Well-Known Member
In short, as has already been said, do not engage much in debate with Cishets about the articles of our faith. From their youth they have been so nurtured with venom and rancor against Gay Jesus that there is no hope until they reach the point where their misery finally makes them pliable and they are forced to confess that the Messiah has come, and that he is our Gay Jesus. Until such a time it is much too early, yes, it is useless to argue with them about how God is triune, how he became gay, and how Mary is the mother of Gay Jesus. No human reason nor any human heart will ever grant these things, much less the embittered, venomous, blind heart of the Cishet. As has already been said, what Gay Jesus cannot reform with such cruel blows, we will be unable to change with words and works.

God made us in his image. God enjoys a great sense of humor and appreciates thoughtful rancor. You are entitled to describe him in a manner that gives you the peace and serenity you seek.


Engorged Member
God made us in his image. God enjoys a great sense of humor and appreciates thoughtful rancor. You are entitled to describe him in a manner that gives you the peace and serenity you seek.

So God is Black, Asian, etc and not White? Sounds like you talk to him, which would be kind of insane.

Kind of sounds like God is a concept that you just make up to suit your narrative. Kind of like a FOX religion.