Well-Known Member
I really don't think most people around here have listened to NPR. Of course if you buy the "Fair and Balanced" crap Fox throws out there, it wouldn't matter anyway.
I'd never argue with that point!

From the standpoint of taking money by force from some and giving it to others so they can benefit, NPR not unlike so many vast others should be cut off from benefitting from Statist robbers and their fruits but as Jones rightly said, in the big scheme of things, what NPR gets is chicken feed. Where I find so many who scream about NPR as being hypocrites is they rail about the size of gov't, fiscal responsibility, adhering to the constitution, etc. and yet when these ideals become inconvenient for them, they cast these principles aside only to bring them out when it's then convenient again to use them as a verbal weapon. By then, out of their mouths, they are hollow shells and lack all power based on conviction.
I have no like or dislike of/for Juan Williams but I do think most all of this is not about Juan's comments but the fact that Juan works for Fox News eg Rupert Murdoch and Juan presented himself as a pawn in the game to be moved about on the chessboard of statism that is American politics. Fox News is really no different from CNN, MSNBC or another other media mouthpiece but the simple fact is that 6 corporations own 50 of the largest media outlets in this country and that IMO is that all this nonsense is pure illusion to make the masses think they have a diverse opinion in the area of thought. Truth is, these 6 all deliver the same message of Statist gospel not unlike the variety of christian denominations out there every Sunday who deliver the same basic message who only differ in dogma and doctrinal method but in the end they all have the same boss and instead of Jesus in the case of the churches, the State and it's power is the ultimate boss with the main street media.
Like those who choose to walk their own path are cut off from god according to those whose follow such belief which manifests itself only in the physical world shunning by the true followers, so to does the same happen to those in the media who begin to walk in their own walk eg thinking for themselves and then the State cuts them off from access which means they no longer are a high priest with direct access to god so they are no longer a true intermediary and bring us god's (the State) message.