Nuclear Option


golden ticket member
The government has NO option but to by pass the GOP obstructionists and move this country along. The GOP continues to block appointments and hold up the operation of government.

The GOP continues to attempt to pass bills that hurt middle class americans ( like HR1406/2013) and yet, the faithfull on this board, who will be affected by this bill the most, continue to support them, even though they would LOSE big dollars in the process.

Its the classic example of brainwashing.

The DEMS and the country at large (outside the tea party fanatics) want this country to move forward and not backwards. The senate will now be able to get some things done. The GOP has had 5 years to strike a compromise with the dems in washington, and they have failed to do so.

With the GOP having a 9% approval rating, the country will hardly cry about this move.

The country will cry after Nov. 2014 !!!!!

Do you ever look at the nominees and wonder why they are being held up ???


Nine Lives
The government has NO option but to by pass the GOP obstructionists and move this country along. The GOP continues to block appointments and hold up the operation of government.


And at some point in the future, the Elephants will have NO option but to bypass the Donkeys and repeal major po​rtions of Obamacare.

What goes around comes around.



Strength through joy
So will this new rule allow the Senate to finally pass a Federal Budget ?
What's it been like 5 yrs ?
That is if HR will allow it to be voted on .


nowhere special
Also from Obama's speech of 2005:

"The fact is that both parties have worked together to confirm 95% of this President's judicial nominees. The Senate has accepted 205 of his 214 selections. In fact, we just confirmed another one judge this week by a vote of 95-0. Overall, this is a better record than any President's had in the last 25 years. For a President who received 51% of the vote and a Senate chamber made up of 55% of the President's party, I'd say that confirming 95% of your judicial nominations is a record I'd be pretty happy with."

See what's changed since then?

Yes. Obama has had it easier to get judges confirmed than Bush did.
Obama’s Judicial Juggling


Nine Lives
Yes. Obama has had it easier to get judges confirmed than Bush did.
Obama’s Judicial Juggling

To be fair here, this is all about the DC Federal Court.
That is crux of the issue.
Current DC Court is 4 appointed by Pubs and 4 by Dems with 3 open positions.
Pubs have been blocking those three appointees because there will be many, many rulings on regulations relayed to Obamacare.
Obama wants to load up the DC court with his appointees because the DC court will be the one ruling on Obamacare and other regulation issues.


Well-Known Member
And at some point in the future, the Elephants will have NO option but to bypass the Donkeys and repeal major po​rtions of Obamacare.

What goes around comes around.

I'm not convinced the pubs will repeal it even holding the WH, overwhelming majorities in Congress and SCOTUS. Repubs not unlike democrats don't have a solid history of ever overturning previous legislation especially one in which a bureaucratic structure has already been built. Even more compelling IMO, when it's clear the dominate, cartel, monopoly business community is not just behind it but helped to craft it. Externalizing healthcare onto the commons would be huge for corp. profits and IMO this is exactly what it is. Mussolini's ultimate dream not to mention Hamilton.

Until they prove me wrong, the pubs, should they get back power, will take the existing structure, leave the foundation, the framework and even some of the finish, modify the rest to their own liking and resell the package as something new. Most Americans will buy it, even some the of dems may go along realizing this rework is only to mop up the errors in version 1 and deploy version 2 but in the end it's still for the most part Heritage Foundation Care (alpha test) that became RomneyCare (beta test) that became ObamaCare (version 1 deploy) and the new version (version 2) will be called something else. CruzCare or even RandCare maybe. You can tell I have a lot of faith in those 2. :wink2:

It's still the same pig just with a fresh coat of paint to hide more blemishes that in time will also emerge and repeat cycle kicking the can down the road.


Obama 2005: "I rise today to urge my colleagues to think about the implications of what has been called the nuclear option and what effect that might have on this Chamber and on this country. I urge all of us to think not just about winning every debate but about protecting free and democratic debate." In 2005, Joe Biden said the following: "This nuclear option is ultimately an example of the arrogance of power." " We have been through these periods before in American history but never, to the best of my knowledge, has any party been so bold as to fundamentally attempt to change the structure of this body."

U should probably refrain from speaking about the stock market bc it's obvious you know nothing about it. When they talk about QE1, QE2, and QE3, what do you think they are talking about??? The government is printing money and flooding the market with 40 billion a month. Ever wonder why, when the government even hints at stopping the flow of money the market tanks??? But then again you voted for him so you will never understand. ;) if our markets need to be propped up 5 years into his presidency, then that shows we are worst now than before.


Staff member
Caharrel, I don't think you know the poster you addressing. Maybe you could read some of his past posts.


Well-Known Member
Caharrel, I don't think you know the poster you addressing. Maybe you could read some of his past posts.

Agreed---this is not the cut and paste queen we are talking about----oldngray is a respected member of this forum who adds a lot to the discussion because he takes the time to become well-informed on a topic before commenting on it.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
And at some point in the future, the Elephants will have NO option but to bypass the Donkeys and repeal major po​rtions of Obamacare.

What goes around comes around.

You'd have to win the white house, the house, the senate and the amerian public in order to do this. AND THAT AINT HAPPEN'in HOAX.

The FOX news junkies may believe that the majority of americans are on their side because thats what FOX tells you, but in every poll out there, the health care law is STILL popular with the masses.

Aint nothing coming around but the exits for the republicans.



Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
And at some point in the future, the Elephants will have NO option but to bypass the Donkeys and repeal major po​rtions of Obamacare.

What goes around comes around.

The only problem with that thought is the ACA will likely be hugely popular in the very near future, just as SS and Medicare are. I find it unlikely that any of these programs will be taken away in the future. I would find it more likely that at some point, the Republican's realize that they will have to truly represent the people in order to survive. a return to the party of T. Roosevelt would be great.


nowhere special
The only problem with that thought is the ACA will likely be hugely popular in the very near future, just as SS and Medicare are. I find it unlikely that any of these programs will be taken away in the future. I would find it more likely that at some point, the Republican's realize that they will have to truly represent the people in order to survive. a return to the party of T. Roosevelt would be great.

If Obamacare is so popular why is Obama trying to delay until after 204 midterm elections? And every Democrat in danger of a close race has waffled and backed away from supporting it. It will only be popular with those who will get freebies from the government (paid for by other people's taxes).


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Yes. Obama has had it easier to get judges confirmed than Bush did.
Obama’s Judicial Juggling

The most recent of the two documents, a CRS memo, said, "In brief, out of the 168 cloture motions ever filed (or reconsidered) on nominations, 82 (49 percent) were cloture motions on nominations made since 2009."

This means that the numbers in the graphic -- 82 presidential nominees blocked under Obama and 86 nominees blocked previously -- were described incorrectly. The figures actually represent the number of cloture attempts that had been made, not the people who were nominated .
This matters because some of the nominations resulted in multiple cloture efforts. By our calculation, there were actually 68 individual nominees blocked prior to Obama taking office and 79 (so far) during Obama’s term, for a total of 147.
Reid’s point is actually a bit stronger using these these revised numbers. Using these figures, blockages under Obama actually accounted for more than half of the total, not less then half. Either way, it's disproportionate by historical standards.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
If Obamacare is so popular why is Obama trying to delay until after 204 midterm elections? And every Democrat in danger of a close race has waffled and backed away from supporting it. It will only be popular with those who will get freebies from the government (paid for by other people's taxes).
Read this and get back to me:

The Biggest Problem With Obamacare's Rollout Is Being Caused Intentionally by Republicans | Perspectives, What Matters Today |

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
The fact that these threads even exist is evidence of just how far down the crapper (towards statism) this country is heading. I do give the liberals credit for one thing though…..if they really want something they go for it and try their best to get it no matter how low, immoral, or just down right illegal they have to go to get it.


Well-Known Member
The fact that these threads even exist is evidence of just how far down the crapper (towards statism) this country is heading. I do give the liberals credit for one thing though…..if they really want something they go for it and try their best to get it no matter how low, immoral, or just down right illegal they have to go to get it.

You got it half right. With all due respect to the etymology of Statism, the word broken into it's parts meaning "belief in the State" would require an opposite ideal if one truly opposed Statism. State meaning "political organization of a nation, supreme authority, government" would mean if one was not a statist or opposed to statism that one would in effect have adopted anarchy. Somehow I just don't see you making that step into anarchy so it's not statism you oppose, it's only a certain brand.

This country has always been wrapped in statism from the very beginning and never was otherwise.