As best as I can tell the with Teamster funds , according to US Dept. of Labor as of 2017 , there is 1 on the endangered list , 8 on critical and declining , and 8 on the critical list. Not bad in the big scheme of things . My fund is critical .
I could make a strong argument that '97 was the best contract .
Hoffa has plenty to do with the shape things are in . While not a trustee nor a stock manipulator , he is running the store .
It seems no matter the local , the year or the trustee , it seems at times they spend money like drunken sailors while the ship is sinking . Flying to Florida always happens and they can always justify it but , it is things like that that scream
" Really ? It sure looks like you are managing the funds well . "
Its not a quick or easy fix but , it is fixable . The give it up talk is not it .
The union is as strong as its leaders . It begins and ends with the boys sittin' at the table.