Along that same line, with all the high powered lawyers the GOP has in their corner, it would seem if this issue really had any legs to it, some of these powerful lawyers would have stepped up to the legal plate themselves placing their own legal reputations on the line. With that, we all know how politicians love to mug for the cameras, especially when they hold a trump card. Speaking of Trump, why put their necks on the line when you can get proxies to do it for you. With proxies you get plausible deniability but yet you stir up the froth and reap the political rewards. Not unlike the same shenanigans the democrats pulled with Bush during his term. Why take a real principled stand on your own and build a record on that when half truths always work better and you can still screw the public like you would a cheap whore.
And yes I said whore because that is exactly what we are!