
Well-Known Member
So to Republicans spying on politicians is bad and spying on citizens is good. You're hilarious man.

Why are you putting FISA on Republicans? It's used to observe potential terrorists on domestic soil. Special permission has to be granted to "unmask" American citizens interacting with potential terrorists. The whole point of the problem with Obama administration going to FISA court is they used unsubstantiated allegations as a pretense to spy on a political opponent. If you're going to deflect from that then you aren't the least interested in protecting the Constitution. You're trying to protect Democrats in what most likely will be the biggest political scandal in history. And the irony is that it was uncovered because Democrats were determined to use unsubstantiated allegations of collusion to try to impeach Trump. Couldn't happen to nicer people.


Inordinately Right
Why are you putting FISA on Republicans? It's used to observe potential terrorists on domestic soil. Special permission has to be granted to "unmask" American citizens interacting with potential terrorists. The whole point of the problem with Obama administration going to FISA court is they used unsubstantiated allegations as a pretense to spy on a political opponent. If you're going to deflect from that then you aren't the least interested in protecting the Constitution. You're trying to protect Democrats in what most likely will be the biggest political scandal in history. And the irony is that it was uncovered because Democrats were determined to use unsubstantiated allegations of collusion to try to impeach Trump. Couldn't happen to nicer people.
I think you fell off your rocker.
Low blood sugar?

El Correcto

god is dead
I put it on both parties.
I'm pointing out the current hypocrisy of Republicans as they march their newest distraction around to all the media outlets this week. You're in the current events forum old man, take your meds.
Yet again baseless attacks and personal attacks. You are just a troll at this point, I’m sure the dems voted to keep fisa going as well. How else will they obtain secret warrants with phony oppo-research to spy on republican campaigns?

El Correcto

god is dead
I put it on both parties.
I'm pointing out the current hypocrisy of Republicans as they march their newest distraction around to all the media outlets this week. You're in the current events forum old man, take your meds.
Also what are they distracting from? The great economy? The dems “shutting down” the government refusing to reform immigration and secure our borders? Maybe I’ve missed something besides Stormy Daniels? No one cares a billionaire cheated on his wife with a pornstar, they’ll probably find even more in his past then that people still won’t care. Trumps a dumpster fire of morales and everyone knew it when he won.


Inordinately Right
Also what are they distracting from? The great economy? The dems “shutting down” the government refusing to reform immigration and secure our borders? Maybe I’ve missed something besides Stormy Daniels? No one cares a billionaire cheated on his wife with a pornstar, they’ll probably find even more in his past then that people still won’t care. Trumps a dumpster fire of morales and everyone knew it when he won.
Wow dude, didn't take you long here to switch from pretending to be non partisan to openly displaying how much Republican Kool aid you drink.

El Correcto

god is dead
Wow dude, didn't take you long here to switch from pretending to be non partisan to openly displaying how much Republican Kool aid you drink.
I’ve always been really libertarian conservative. I’m for some of the democrat policies just not on a federal level, that’s when the constitution gets violated and the federal government becomes a leviathan of tyranny.


Inordinately Right
You also didn’t answer my question what are they distracting from?
You missed the point from the start I see.

How many stories did you see about the reauthorization of FISA 702? You claim to be libertarian but instead of being concerned with blatant violation of constitutional rights you eat up the FISA story about the Trump persecution complex.
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