Obama is furious over oil spill


Strength through joy
(LA Times)In case you were tempted to buy the faux Washington outrage at BP and its gulf oil spill in recent days, here’s a story that reveals a little-known corporate political connection and the quiet way the inner political circles intersect, protect and care for one another in the nation’s capital. And Chicago.
We already knew that BP and its folks were significant contributors to the record $750-million war chest of Barack Obama’s 2007-08 campaign.
Now, we learn the details of a connection of Rahm Emanuel, the Chicago mayoral wannabe, current Obama chief of staff, ex-representative, ex-Clinton money man and ex-Windy City political machine go-fer.
Shortly after Obama’s happy inaugural, eyebrows rose slightly upon word that, as a House member, Emanuel had lived the last five years rent-free in a D.C. apartment of Democratic colleague Rep. Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut and her husband, Stanley Greenberg.
Greenberg’s consulting firm was a prime architect of BP’s recent rebranding drive as a green petroleum company, down to green signs and the slogan “Beyond Petroleum.”


Of course MSM never showed the lead question yesterday by Matt Lauer.....

I am loving the "who's ass to kick" statement, but before folks paint Obama as being an angry black Man now, the record should show that Matt Lauer wanted to know if he was going to kick butt.
with the entire conversation, it makes sense.

Lauer was the who opened that door first, President Obama was just responding.....it's just so amusing how you guys jump thru hoops via soundbytes....lol

As you look at who and what opened the door you need to dig a little deeper. Obama has been heavily criticized for his bush like qualities taking vacations etc during what may end up the greatest environmental disaster in history. Along with that he has been heavily criticized for his emotionless responses.

This thread highlights the white houses efforts along with sympathetic media sources to now give Obama the fury and passion that has been missing from his message. Whats particularly hillarious is when Obama is interviewed and drones in monotone about his fury.



I don't believe the context makes any difference. It was a dumb thing for the President of the United States of America to say.

(And it is diesel96 who now tries to turn it into a race issue)

it is. he was trying to sound tough but it came across as if he did not know who's ass he was supposed to kick.:geek:


Of course you believe context doesn't make any difference.....You live in a right wing world of sound-bytes, and that's all that matters to you....Who cares about checking facts and context.....I for one, would expect my Kid's College Proffessor to educate using context instead of sound-bytes....

Oh and BTW...about the race issue...dammed if you do and dammed if you don't...courtesy of the Right Wing's favorite website......


Obama did not say he was going street drudge did. which highlights my point that sympathetic media is trying to spin him at levels of passion obama has yet to disply.

notice the seeking ass to kick line. Like duh? you have not figured out who is responsible yet?

Goes street ? If thats not racial what the hell is ?


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Goes street ? If thats not racial what the hell is ?

Sounds more like Chicago politics to me! :happy-very:

Political Machine

An army led by a council seldom conquers: It must have a commander-in-chief, who settles disputes, decides in emergencies, inspires fear or attachment. The head of the Ring is such a commander. He dispenses places, rewards the loyal, punishes the mutinous, concocts schemes, negotiates treaties. He generally avoids publicity, preferring the substance to the pomp of power, and is all the more dangerous because he sits, like a spider, hidden in the midst of his web. He is a Boss.

Boss Obama who wants to kick some ass! :angry:
But you can use the race card cause we know it makes you feel better:happy-very:...


Well-Known Member
I have a car thats "street safe"....is that a racial ride ??????
"street" walker ?? Is that racial too.

street performer ? racial?

street lamp ? racial anthropomorphism ??

That's weak Moreluck......let's not be so out of touch....Has any other "White Boy" President been refer to as "going street" ?

The Fix - How Matt Drudge Rules the (Political) World

As you look at who and what opened the door you need to dig a little deeper. Obama has been heavily criticized for his bush like qualities taking vacations etc during what may end up the greatest environmental disaster in history. Along with that he has been heavily criticized for his emotionless responses.

This thread highlights the white houses efforts along with sympathetic media sources to now give Obama the fury and passion that has been missing from his message. Whats particularly hillarious is when Obama is interviewed and drones in monotone about his fury.

Tie, once again, you prove to display "The Weakest Link"..... once again, you'd like everyone to just ignore the premise of the question ask of him by Lauer.....Just goes to show your insatiable appetite to shed any negative angle of YOUR President, to those gullible enough to fall to this nonsense....

Sounds more like Chicago politics to me! :happy-very:

Political Machine

An army led by a council seldom conquers: It must have a commander-in-chief, who settles disputes, decides in emergencies, inspires fear or attachment. The head of the Ring is such a commander. He dispenses places, rewards the loyal, punishes the mutinous, concocts schemes, negotiates treaties. He generally avoids publicity, preferring the substance to the pomp of power, and is all the more dangerous because he sits, like a spider, hidden in the midst of his web. He is a Boss.

Boss Obama who wants to kick some ass! :angry:
But you can use the race card cause we know it makes you feel better:happy-very:...

Don't take my word Tony, take a Conservative's word on making racial implications......I'm just the messenger...There ! I feel better now...thx

Dee Dee Myers: Opposition To Obama Has "Racial Implications"


golden ticket member
Obama is soooooo furious, he has not yet talked to the CEO of BP. You would think he would want to kick his arse like he said.



Tie, once again, you prove to display "The Weakest Link"..... once again, you'd like everyone to just ignore the premise of the question ask of him by Lauer.....Just goes to show your insatiable appetite to shed any negative angle of YOUR President, to those gullible enough to fall to this nonsense....

Diesel once again you ignore whats going on in the real world to chase the teachings of your puppet master.

here ! I feel better now...thx

Dee Dee Myers: Opposition To Obama Has "Racial Implications"


Obama is soooooo furious, he has not yet talked to the CEO of BP. You would think he would want to kick his arse like he said.

great point. Obama says he wnet there a month ago to learn who's ass he needed to kick. Meanwhile the ceo of bp has lived down there and yet obama has not met with him to kick his ass?

I guess he wanted to know who's ass needed kicking he just did not want to kick it.

If you watch the quote and really listen carefully you can tell Obama's heart was not in what he said.

Obama is asking for criminal investigations into this mess but when the facts are finally reviewed there is a good chance we will find out that those that caused this mess paid for their mistakes with their lives.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Obama is asking for criminal investigations into this mess but when the facts are finally reviewed there is a good chance we will find out that those that caused this mess paid for their mistakes with their lives.

Good point. I was thinking the same thing...sad but true.


golden ticket member
The reason I mention that he hadn't talked to the CEO was his excitement with wanting to talk to people like Ahmanutjob and that creep from Carracas.


Well-Known Member
One has to wonder if Mr. Obama's, anger is genuine or phony. He campaigned on being cool under pressure and not letting his emotions show. The President, was probably advised to act angry and keep pointing the finger at BP because the White House is taking a big hit politically due to the oil spill.