the link you provided only further DEMONSTRATES how wrong the right wing blame machine is!
It clearly states what has been offered, and that offering would have done NOTHING for the oil clean up or prevention of this disaster.
Let me pull the exact quote out of your link:
Late Wednesday evening, the State Department emailed reporters identifying the 13 entities that had offered the U.S. oil spill assistance. They were the governments of Canada, Croatia, France, Germany, Ireland, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Republic of Korea, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United Nations.
"These offers include experts in various aspects of oil spill impacts, research and technical expertise, booms, chemical oil dispersants, oil pumps, skimmers, and wildlife treatment," the email read. "
Since day ONE, the OBAMA administration has used the best scientist, the best oil experts and every resource of the oil industry to find a solution to the oil disaster in the gulf.
The countries you mentioned only offered "TECHNICAL" assistance, not ships or crews. We have in this country plenty of agencies and companies to provide these services, the goverments position of "we will access our need for this assistance at some future time" is an accurate statement.
ALL the FOX friends here is "OBAMA TURNED DOWN HELP"...and the ball starts rolling from there.
As to the JONES act, how many times does this have to be explained to the FOX viewers....IT CANT BE WAIVED IN A BLANKET FASHION, the JONES ACT has to be waived on a SHIP BY SHIP basis.
TO DATE, NOT ONE SHIP has been offered to our goverment that required the JONES act to be waived.
Ask yourselves a question? If there are already thousands of ships in the gulf skimming, soaking, separating, laying boom or spraying toxic dispersant into the sea, and even if there was ONE SHIP that you could point to that could have helped if the JONES act was waived in that instance, what difference would it make compared to the tons of crude and toxins that are being spread into the sea each and every second?
If you think ONE ship would make that difference, then you dont know anything about the sea.
The FOX family of friends dont seem to understand they are all victims of propaganda. You can all hate OBAMA all you want, this goverment is doing all it can to figure out how they are going to stop this eco disaster from wiping out life in our gulf for decades.
The right wing can only focus on the mis-direction of a political machine trying to distract people from the truth. FOX floats the "trial balloons" of mis-information and you folks on this blog run with the ball with "semi-facts".
If there are hundreds of ships out there waiting to help, then I say bring them on, it wont stop the oil from spewing out the broken pipe, but it will help the surface of the sea.
There is nothing we can do for the sub-surface contamination. This is a death sentence for life in the gulf and those americans still foolish enough to eat anything that comes out of the gulf in the future.
TONY, you said: "There is plenty of disgust with BP and there is even more with the governments botched handling of this."
Really, spell it out for all of us, without repeating "obama failed to act"
We now know, by your posting that there are no ships offered or waiting for the jones act waiver, so how exactly did Obama Botch this oil accident?
Im waiting.