Obama plans to disarm America


Also, where did the founding fathers intend for us to ever be a superpower to begin with? Their only goal was not to become another England as they were the Superpower of that day and in fact all facts point to their desire to be just the opposite. If we were to be anything to the world, it was an example of how individual freedom and liberty was a wonderful thing and a new light to a very dark world.

Wouldn't denounciing and rejecting England a superpower show intent to become one? Or certainly the desire to become strong enough to reject Englands control which would seem to mean we would have to become a superpower in our own right? We could not hope to win our freedom by being any less then England.


Well-Known Member

It's funny how different people from different perspectives see Obama and in this case his position relating to disarming America.

Even the "Progressives" are fretting that Obama has already gone to the "Darkside".


The right frets he's a chickenschitt coward, America hater and the left frets he's become the new wonderboy of the war party having strapped on the 6 guns ready to do battle at high noon with the Iranians ot bring honor to the home team.

Well he sez he's the candidate of change and according to these folks he seems to change about ever hour!



Well-Known Member

Not sure your level of historical education, but OSAMA bin Laden had nothing to do with Jimmy Carter or his administration.

Osama, the son of an arab saudi sheik and business partner of the BUSH family was recruited by the Reagan administration to wage a proxy war with the soviets in afghanistan.

In addition, OSAMA was a business partner of Oliver North, who illegally sold weapons around the world destabilizing countries and accounting for millions of innocent civilian deaths in africa, the middle east, and central america.

This action came long after Carter, and to which Carter denounced the action.

The head of the CIA involved was Dick Cheney, no friend of Carter.

REAGAN is where the buck stops.

Those ignorant enough to believe it stops with Clinton need to have their collective heads examined.

You took the wayback machine too far and found the wrong source.



The CIA operation in Afghanistan began in 1979' as a result of the coldwar itself. You are correct about Reagan/Osama etc. although in fairness there is debate on just how close any relationship was. Osama had his own sources of income as you pointed out as his father had a huge construction company and Osama is an engineer by training.

The 79' CIA operation began the work with the Mujihadeen and had the pieces in place when Reagan entered the scene nearly 2 years later. (early 81') Osama came into Afghanistan in the mid 80's (if I remember right) or so and it was through these established channels that contact was made.

That was my only point, not that Carter was the one who made "first contact" with Osama. sorry for the confusion. Had there been no such operation during the Carter years or started then, it's hard to say what would have come later. You might also argue that Carter's efforts also made the Soviet fall possible and therefore some credit exclusive to Reagan on this issue should come back to Carter. Reagan also at one time said as much also. Hate Reagan all you must but he was a gentleman as well.

Here's a link to one such piece that is only the tip of the iceberg.


I think you enjoy wikipedia as well (I think but don't shot me if I'm wrong) and their artilce on the Soviet Afghan war speaks of the CIA ops as well.

Also, AV is right in that Cheney during this time period I think was a Congressman from Wyoming and was never head of the CIA. Was it Casey who was head of the Reagan era CIA? Well, at least you got the "C" part right!