Obama's First 100 Days......


golden ticket member
Chicago officials revealed Friday that Barack Obama still owes the city nearly two million for his election night victory party in Grant Park. This is a lesson for us all. As soon as you give someone a free house they stop paying all their bills. ~Argus Hamilton~


Well-Known Member
Lincoln and Obama are very much alike:

1. Lincoln placed his hand on the Bible for his inauguration. Obama used the same Bible.
2. Lincoln came from Illinois. Obama comes from Illinois.
3. Lincoln served in the Illinois Legislature. Obama served in the Illinois Legislature.
4. Lincoln had very little experience before becoming President. Obama had very little experience before becoming President.
5. Lincoln rode the train from Philadelphia to Washington for his inauguration. Obama rode the train from Philadelphia to Washington for his inauguration.
6. Lincoln was a skinny lawyer. Obama is a skinny lawyer.
7. Lincoln was a Republican. Obama is a skinny lawyer.
8. Lincoln was highly respected. Obama is a skinny lawyer.
9. Lincoln was born in the United States. Obama is a skinny lawyer.
10. Lincoln was called Honest Abe. Obama is a skinny lawyer.


golden ticket member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]You couldn't have made Obama's first 80 days up[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]By Dave Weinbaum [/FONT]

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial]http://www.JewishWorldReview.com |[/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Remember when Joe Biden, our VP Gaff Master said before the election that if Barack Obama were elected president there would be a tragedy within the first sixth months of his inauguration? [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]I think Joe underestimated. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]This president has had more disasters in his first 80 days than Joe's hair-plugs. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Who woulda thunk? [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]
  • Two thirds of the former US auto giants would be taken over by Government because they accepted bail-out billions.
  • Barack Obama would fire the CEO of GM and not touch the head of the automaker's union.
  • Banks were forced to take bailout cash or suffer five year audits. It's called extortion. Where are the indictments?
  • A man who can't figure out how to pay his personal taxes, Timothy Geithner, Secretary of the Treasury would become CEO of all financial institutions whether tarped-up or not?
  • Some banks were rebuffed when they tried to pay the bailout money back?
  • Obama and the geniuses in the Dem-controlled congress would pass unread legislation that contained enough pork to bury our grandchildren and their children and grandchildren in debt for the next century?
  • Barack and congress would demonize AIG execs that took perfectly legal recruitment bonuses that Obama and the Dem Congress inserted in bailout legislation.
  • The ranting of the president and congress would generate multiple death threats to AI G employees, their spouses and children.
  • The government would send busses full of ACORN thugs to demonstrate at the homes of the AIG bonus recipients?
  • Hundreds of millions in bonuses went to congressional aides, Freddy Mac, and Fannie Mae employees and hardly ANYONE HAS UTTERED A PEEP?
  • Illegal aliens are welcome to invade the USA and take American jobs as long as they know who they're supposed to vote for.
  • How shameful President Obama's performance was during a long-winded, overseas-blame-Bush, apologize-for-America, bow-to-an-anti-Semitic-Saudi-king tour.
  • The result of the above would be not one Euro for stimulus, not one more soldier to fight in Afghanistan and only one prisoner accepted by French President Sarkozy.
  • Barack would be asking for supplemental war funds after he excoriated Bush for doing the same. � Obama would be in the tank to N. Korea, Syria and Iran while selling out Eastern European friends to the Russians and Israel to Hamas and Iran.
  • Our rights to bear arms and speak free would be attacked via stealth strategies of excessive insurance to carry guns and censorship by FCC mandate.
  • Barack would ignore nuclear power and a 110-year supply of oil in the continental US and its offshore to ruin the economy by embracing unproven wind and solar power.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]If you can't excel with talent, triumph with effort [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]There's no denying we're being dragged into an abyss by Obama, Pelosi, Franks, Reid and Dodd. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]This being his first 80 days, one wonders if President Obama will tire and let up a bit on his attack against the USA and its democratic capitalistic system. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Personally, as one who actually listened to Obama's words, I would say the time to start fighting back was yesterday. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]We can all do our bit by participating in tea parties, writing letters to editors, attending political functions, contributing to your local conservative candidates and calling your favorite talk show host, of whom I am one. The more that hear you the easier the battle. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]But do it now. We can't let the Obama Administration think we'll disappear into the night while he and his ACORN thugs turn our constitution upside down, steal our rights to bear arms and free speech, while robbing our tax dollars. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Remember 1994! We turned a Clinton Lib fest into a windfall for the USA by taking congress back for the first time in 40 years. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]As they'll soon say in Indiana, "Ladies and Gentlemen: START YOUR ENGINES!" [/FONT]


Strength through joy
If O is as popular as the main media claims then ;
How come nobody wants to work with that tax cheat at the US Treasury ?
Why are some cabinet posts still not filled ?
Why has his charity contributions as a percentage been lower than GWB's ?
Why has his family still not picked a church for services in DC?
Why did he skip visiting WWII graves in France ?
Why does he still stage all of his public appearances ?


golden ticket member
Polls can be tricky. They say people approve of Obama, personally, but they don't approve of what he's doing in office. It all depends on the wording of the questions. Just sayin'. :happy2:


Well-Known Member
If O is as popular as the main media claims then ;
How come nobody wants to work with that tax cheat at the US Treasury ?
Why are some cabinet posts still not filled ?
Why has his charity contributions as a percentage been lower than GWB's ?
Why has his family still not picked a church for services in DC?
Why did he skip visiting WWII graves in France ?
Why does he still stage all of his public appearances ?

Most of this doesn't even have anything to do with popularity. Good try.


Strength through joy
Is there a problem giving humanitarian relief to civilian victims of a war?
Relief no
What this is a free pass to live here with us paying the bills.
How come they can't go to another muslim country ?
One that is close by, with fellow countrymen, languages , and customs .


Well-Known Member
Now we're going to be singing Kumbaya with Cuba....oh brother!!:sad-little:

Don't worry Moreluck, deal with your Mexican-phobia in California. We'll worry about the Cubans here in Fla. BTW:The soon to be inter-action with Cuba is welcome here in Fla (except for the old school anti-Castro exiles).


Well-Known Member
What kills me is that Mutt and Jeff (oops!!), I mean Barney Frank and Chris Dodd :dissapointed: along with Clinton, back in 1992, let the wolf slip into the chicken house and them feathers been flying ever since. They loosened
up the lending laws and the rest is history. How is it that these two dil (I mean clowns), who've been in Congress since Moses was a baby, are still around, now advising Hillary? According to them, Freddie and Fannie were fine! Tho Fraudie (oops!) Fannie became a huge part of this financial meltdown.

Fannie and Freddie control half of all mortgages in this country. These twin towers of fraud and corruption were created by Dems, protected by Dems, funded by Dems, and Dems blocked every attempt Bush made to regulate them.

A recent quote from Hillary " I’m honored to have the support of one of the sharpest minds in Congress. Barney has devoted his life to championing economic fairness, and expanding opportunity for all Americans." :biting:

Chew on this one, Hill. Ever heard of Franklin Raines? Why is he not a common house hold name like Kenneth Lay? Raines made $80 million at Fannie Mae while cooking the books and last year paid back a few mill that he wasn't entitled to due to a federal law suit. But no big one. Instead of wearing an orange jump suit, he became O's campaign advisor.

The thing you gotta love is that as long as people continue to have their brains sucked out by the Boob Tube, Bush will be blamed for every wart, mole and hemorrhoid...
When you talk of loosening the reins do you speak of the repeal of the Glass-Steagal Act that was put in place after the Great Depression. It was repealed by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999. Did you know that all three of the those people are [R].

Clinton signed it and both the Dems and Reps voted for it but both houses of congress were controlled by the Reps.

The Commodoties Futures Modernization Act of 2000 was another horrible law signed by Clinton and voted for by both Reps and Dems. The bill was written by 5 members in the House, 4 Reps and 1 Dem and the Senate had 6 members, 4 Reps and 2 Dems add their own two cents. Both Reps and Dems overwhelmingly voted for both of these horrible laws.

This law created the "Enron Loophole" as well as to forbid the government from regulating many types of "Futures" that have helped create the mess we are in.

Both sides are crooked and corrupt. Too many people have "bought" the stuff the right is selling. BOTH SIDES ARE CORRUPT!!!

I am an Independent due to finding that both sides are bought and paid for by Big Corporate Lobbyist. We need a third option people.

We need regualtion too. If you think it is so bad then why was Wall Street so successful for 60 years with good regulation.


Well-Known Member
Another democrat caught being a tax cheat; when will this end.

Ron Kirk appointed to the White House as chief trade rep. has paid to the taxman $10,000.
This story is quickly becoming a daily routine.
Is this the change O mentions ?
And I presume that there are no Republican tax cheats?

Oh that is right they all cheat on their wives not taxes, Newt, Rush, Giuliani, Vitter, Bob Allen, Larry Craig, Mark Foley, Ted Haggard etc etc etc


Age quod agis
A Con-Way driver wrote the following...

1984 for real this time?

Was George only wrong on the year? Does anyone else feel like they have stepped into a George Orwell novel? For months after the election Obama’s face was everywhere; I felt like “Big Brother” was watching me. Early into the administration Big Brother told us all that he was open to any ideas to fix the economy, even from Republicans. When a Republican suggested tax cuts he was immediately cut off with, “I’m going to trump you; I won, - we aren’t going to do that”. The Ministry of Truth didn’t see any disconnect. Big Brother campaigned on not following the failed policies of the past, yet to fix the economy he is using only the failed policies that gave us the great depression and is ignoring polices that have worked more recently (ie. Tax cuts). Minitrue didn’t see any disconnect In an amazing example of “Double Think”, Big Brother signed the biggest deficit spending bill in human history. The next day he talked about how he would be fiscally responsible and institute “paygo”. Days latter he proposed even more deficit spending. Minitrue didn’t see any disconnect. Recently Big Brother stated that he wasn’t going to be worried about the “day to day gyrations” in the stock market. These “gyrations” have cost Americans almost half their wealth in less than six months. Minitrue didn’t see any disconnect. We now seem to be in the early stages of the“2 minute hate” with the face of Rush replacing that of Goldstein. Is it too late to hope for change?



looks to me like you just copied straight from a freerepublic board.


How original.