Ocasio-Cortez and the “socialist” left

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
We weren’t claiming there wasn’t a policy change. We were claiming the policy change wasn’t the separation of children, that came from an existing ruling from a ninth circuit court.
The policy change lead to the separation of children. This isn’t hard to follow.

El Correcto

god is dead
The policy change lead to the separation of children. This isn’t hard to follow.
Because of an exsisting ruling brought about by cry baby liberals trying to force this situation. Either enforce the border laws and separate children which is a huge political club to be beaten with or let everyone over.

Are you really this thick?

Yaba Daba Do

Donkey Punch Extraordinaire
You guys are claiming there wasn’t a policy change. I posted the release from the current attorney general announcing the policy change. Darn facts again.
The Obama administration was sued and the ninth circuit ruled that they could no longer detain children with their parents for longer than 20 days. So you may think the Obama administration fixed the law and made it okay to keep the kids with their parents right? No, instead they said we just won’t enforce the law. Damn our borders! So when trump comes in and starts actually enforcing the law after he said he was going to, everyone is shocked. And when trump wants to fix the law so that kids can stay with their parents, good ol chuck says he will absolutely not work on a piece of legislation to fix this problem. Schumer may actually care about the kids but I guess he just has a funny way of showing it in an election year.
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Well-Known Member

Yaba Daba Do

Donkey Punch Extraordinaire
If they end up going to court over trump’s executive order to keep the families together it will not hold up because it is not law and we will be right back to where we were with the left wanting everyone to just walk free.

I guess some people might blame the parents bringing them here in the first place knowing what will happen when the laws are enforced but that would require making people take personal responsibility for their actions and we sure as hell cant have that!