Ocasio-Cortez and the “socialist” left


Well-Known Member
spiderman 2 is a good socialist movie.

spiderman lives in poverty and is over worked so he loses his superhero powers. anakin skywalker has a similar fate in episode 1 because he was a slave and wasnt discovered until he was very old.

if you dont water the flower, it wont bloom/


nowhere special


Well-Known Member
i wouldve had more respect for lyin ronnie reagan if he made the argument about concentrations of economic power and power abuse.

but instead he lied to the population and made the argument about govt vs privatization.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Alexandria Cortez Is still running around the Capital looking for Phil Abusters office.

She says she wants to be on the appropriations committee because she understands when something is appropriate.

She says we shouldn’t just teach Civics in schools, we should teach about all automobiles.

She just completed a jigsaw puzzle that said 5-7 years, she was so proud to get it done in 6 weeks.

When asked of her choice for speaker of the house she said Bose.

She says she supports veterans because they help pets.

She wore a sleeveless shirt at a meeting to support her right to bare arms.


Well-Known Member
She is hot but she is the best thing to ensure keeping America great in 2020. She is so far left that she exposes her party for the left wing radicals. Biden to announce bid and Bernie will follow. You can't make this stuff up. I think creepy Joe has best chance to win but he is a white male so he won't make it out of the primary. Get ready for this economic boom once trump signs the infrastructure bill he will be shoe in. Then 8 years of pence. God is great