Ocasio-Cortez and the “socialist” left


Well-Known Member
you can look up noam chomsky, or glenn greenwald US election interference. howard zinn also wrote a comic book which would be good for you because it has lots of pictures about US empire.
Shouldn't you want to learn rather than being told? Truth is you say untrue things on here all the time. You said the U.S. has invaded South America numerous times but you can't name one country it has happened in. We've invaded Mexico and several Central American and Caribbean countries. But never South America. Have we supported dictatorships there? Yes. You will have a better understanding of the world and how it works when you actually study history instead of taking everything on faith like you accuse the rest of us of doing.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
you dont know any better mr maga lover.

I do have to object to your post ... I am not a MAGA person but I do think it all is amusing.
I don't like Trump personally and I don't agree with all his positions.
He should have vetoed the budget that he approved on Friday ... before taking off for his resort down in FL.
However, I am highly amused at all these wack jobs on here going apoplectic on every little thing he does or says.
I also think it is funny how others defend everything he does and says.
Just goes to show, when you get down to it, people are not very intelligent ... just compared to African Primates.


Inordinately Right
Luckily, whatever you think has no effect on me.
I have more respect for the intellect of a dog walking down the street.
Wait, you have me on ignore and you don't read my posts remember?