Ocasio-Cortez and the “socialist” left


Got the T-Shirt


Well-Known Member
it was the consercuks who pushed the expanded child credit but there are limits on how much of it is a refundable credit.
Thanks bill Clinton for implementing the credit. And Hillary for expanding it. Trump should burn at the stake for stealing the idea and taking credit for it.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
We should be be giving tax breaks to people who actually pay taxes. Not just any chump who squats out a kid.
Income taxes are an investment in the American system. If you haven’t invested, you shouldn’t reap cash dividends. The non-cash dividends you receive by birthright should suffice.


Inordinately Right
Income taxes are an investment in the American system. If you haven’t invested, you shouldn’t reap cash dividends. The non-cash dividends you receive by birthright should suffice.
So we are in agreement that the Trump tax plan that gives handouts to people who don't pay taxes just because they have kids is bad policy.

Cool beans.