Official Canada Thread with Current News


Für Meno :)

Police confiscate guns from flooded town

'We put them in a place that we control and that they're safe'

The residents of High River, Alberta, population nearly 13,000, are still awaiting authorities’ permission to return to their homes. Dozens have been engaged in a standoff with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police at a checkpoint at the edge of town since floodwaters prompted a forced evacuation last week.
Several news sources report tensions are high since news broke police have also been gathering residents’ firearms.

I know ! It`s a big deal here !
RCMP went into those evacuated homes, making sure no sick or even dead people were left behind.
Some (a few) residents had open guns laying around, which the RCMP did take for safe-keeping.
Guns that were locked-uped, the RCMP left alone and as is.
But, yes, residents are choked !
How is it done in the US after major disasters ? Should we let the guns flood out of the windows, or let them get into other hands ?
Lets say it's a Tornedo, shouldn't the cops get the guns that are loose laying around, or the public that are looking around ?

Anyways, those homeowners will get their gun(s) back. n/p.


Well-Known Member
2 face terror charges after Canada Day bombs found

SURREY, British Columbia (AP) — Police in Canada have arrested and charged a man and woman with terrorism
for attempting to leave pressure cooker bombs at British Columbia's provincial legislature on Canada Day, when
thousands of people were expected to be there.

[Tom Morino, Nuttall's lawyer] said Nuttall is a convert to Islam, but he added that
Islam and al-Qaida "don’t go hand in hand."
2 face terror charges after Canada Day bombs found


Für Meno :)
Not too bad for government social healthcare to hold the world-record !

Girl youngest to get artificial heart

Thursday, August 1, 2013 - 14:07

EDMONTON - A girl from British Columbia has been introduced as the youngest person in the world to get a special type of artificial heart.

Grewal of Surrey was five-years old and weighed just 18 kilograms when Edmonton doctors inserted the ventricular-assist device in her chest last September.
Doctors say the previous record belonged to a six-year-old in Berlin, Germany.
Not too bad for government social healthcare to hold the world-record !

Girl youngest to get artificial heart

Thursday, August 1, 2013 - 14:07

EDMONTON - A girl from British Columbia has been introduced as the youngest person in the world to get a special type of artificial heart.

Grewal of Surrey was five-years old and weighed just 18 kilograms when Edmonton doctors inserted the ventricular-assist device in her chest last September.
Doctors say the previous record belonged to a six-year-old in Berlin, Germany.

Yep, nothing like Canada to take pride in records based on the suffering of a child. You must be proud.


Well-Known Member
On the lighter side.

Marenda Schipper and Patrick Boelsterli show of their bee beards at an annual competition at Clovermead
Adventure Farm in Aylmer, Ontario, Canada.


Strength through joy
A family is in shock and a community has united after an anonymous hate letter was written about a young boy living with severe autism.
Karla Begley told CityNews her son Max, 13, stays with his grandmother in the morning during the summer time. It was at that home in Newcastle where letter was delivered on Friday.
“I was shaking when I was reading it,” Brenda Millson, Max’s grandmother, told CityNews. “It’s awful words. You don’t know why somebody would ever do such a thing.”
The typed, one-page letter refers to the young boy as a “nuisance” and a “wild animal” before suggesting the family move or “euthanize” the child.
Begley says the police have been contacted and should they have grounds, charges will be filed against the letter’s author.
Family in shock after hate letter targets teen with autism | CityNews


Strength through joy
With the growing concern over the effects of competition in youth sports programs this summer, many Canadian soccer associations eliminated the concept of keeping score. The Soccer Association of Midlake, Ontario, however, has taken this idea one step further, and have completely removed the ball from all youth soccer games and practices.
According to Association spokesperson, Helen Dabney-Coyle, “By removing the ball, it’s absolutely impossible to say ‘this team won’ and ‘this team lost’ or ‘this child is better at soccer than that child.’”
“We want our children to grow up learning that sport is not about competition, rather it’s about using your imagination. If you imagine you’re good at soccer, then, you are.”



Inordinately Right
The Soccer Association of Midlake, Ontario, however, has taken this idea one step further, and have completely removed the ball from all youth soccer games and practices.
According to Association spokesperson, Helen Dabney-Coyle, “By removing the ball, it’s absolutely impossible to say ‘this team won’ and ‘this team lost’ or ‘this child is better at soccer than that child.’”
“We want our children to grow up learning that sport is not about competition, rather it’s about using your imagination. If you imagine you’re good at soccer, then, you are.”​

Hilarious. Some people will believe anything. It's pretty sad that legit news outlets picked this story up.
Canada gloriously punkd by networks story on youth soccer no ball league


Für Meno :)
The moment we've all been waiting for is finally here! We've officially unveiled the Mint's Superman coin collection - all of these coins are now available for pre-order at Now read all about them in our "75 Years of Superman" photo gallery, and let us in on which one's your favourite!


Für Meno :)
Nice of Canada to recognize an American hero.
We don't put foreign stuff on our coins or stamps !
And, Yes, Superman had Canadian origins, Joe Shuster, the comic strip artist who created Superman, was Canadian and his early drawings of Metropolis were fashioned after the buildings and skyline of Toronto, his hometown.
In 1923 Shuster's family moved to Cleveland, Ohio, where he met Jerry Siegel, the man who became Superman's writer. The two were only 17 years old when they created Superman in 1933. In 1938, after they had given up hope for its national syndication, Superman was published by National Periodicals in its June Issue No.1 of Action Comics.