Oh Ricky Where Art Thou?


Well-Known Member
The far lefties on here tend to be way more reasonable than the ones who consider themselves "moderate liberals". I'd much rather have a conversation with @rickyb and whatever vonklein changed his name to than certain car washers who only work part time, people who think things will be ok yet panic over Orange men, and all of roadrunner's multiple personalities.
liberals are woke neocons


Well-Known Member
Could it be after years of pointing out the error of his ways, his lack of knowledge, his ignorance of how the world works, we've finally driven off the scourge of "Current Events," @rickyb ? If so, let's pick a day where we can celebrate the independence of our forum from the evil that permeated from the Great White North. I nominate July 4th to be ever memorialized as the day we celebrate this great victory, our Independence Day!
i was driving across the country


Well-Known Member
The guy is just that, a guy with his views. I would hope that anyone, secure in their thoughts wouldn't view him as one that shouldn't be heard.

My opinion is let each side speak. Just my opinion. He's full of :poop:, in my opinion, but I still hold my ground.

It's best to know your enemy, and listen to their words.
recently i learned how to keep my enemies closer


Well-Known Member
Of course I don't! This isn't my point.
He's a cantnadian that hates America no mater what admin is in power. I take exception to foreigners that spout off about my country. IMO , it's non of their business and he makes it his job which irritates me. I can have an opinion right? My opinion is that he can suck the fruit off my loom.
i dont hate north america i hate corruption