Amazingly, today, Rush Limbaugh stated that gas prices have never hit 5 dollars a gallon in the USA..., but in 2007 here in california, gas prices were at 6 dollars a gallon in parts and over 5 dollars in other parts.
Why the mis information? Why back during the Bush administration, RUSH said he would never change to a higher mileaged car, and he would drive his 8 cylinder mercedes benz all day long even if gas rose to 10 dollars a gallon?
Why now does he have problems with the price of oil and why has he abandoned his supply and demand capitalism position?
There is plenty of supply, so much that a good percentage of it is being sold to china and india. There is no shortage, there is TOO MUCH oil in this country. There is also HUGE PROFITS to make on FEAR.
The right wing is drumming up FEAR and its supporters just fall in line. Some on this board may cheer for the collapse of our economy, but it aint going to happen.
Today, unlike BUSH, the economy is sound and growing. When Bush had oil this high, the housing market crashed, the banking industry crashed, the auto industry crashed, the stock market crashed... and this time OBAMA has all of these industries running in the black.
The oil companies will earn windfall profits that will drop the jaws of the american public and that will backfire on the GOP.