When is bhos going to release the Strategic Algae Reserves ?
Just an FYI.... I hope this doesnt hurt your feelings, I know how much you rely on Right wing garbage but ,
EXXON/MOBIL and CHEVRON have iNVESTED 550 million dollars in ALGAE research!!! Why would they do this?? Hmmm?? I realize you havent the first clue, nor do the others, but its the US MILITARY that is asking for this technology to be perfected! Thats right, our own Military.
If there was no future in it, why would two of the largest oil companies and the US Military seek to improve this technology? There are investors LINING up to get into this market!!
Startup teams with Chevron on algae fuel
Will Big Oil Become Big Algae? ExxonMobil and Chevron Invest in Synthetic Biology - ESG
Chevron Invests in Micro Algae - Emerging Technology Corporation, Green Division
Investors Fuel Solazyme With $52M for Algae — Cleantech News and Analysis
Chevron Backs Solazyme to Develop Algal Biodiesel Technology : TreeHugger
Solazyme in algae fuel deal with Chevron Honeywell HON
Algal biofuels - Algae for production of biofuels
GET A CLUE PEOPLE. You can repeat all the nonsense FOX NEWS FEEDS YOU, but the reality is that ALGAE is a legitimate alternative fuel source for the future. You all sound silly.