...(due to continued screw ups)...
Screw UPS?

We wouldn't be in this mess if the union screwed UPS.
(Sorry. Couldn't resist).
I agree with you that we should avoid equating "not getting our way", with "corrupt union".
This is a complex environment, and there's a lot that can go wrong, without it being union malevolence.
But if you objectively look at this contract, I don't see a clear area in which the union "won". (With the exception of brand new PT people.)
Drivers get 22.4.
Part timers get no catch up raises.
Air drivers get a longer progression time.
So I'm not sure what the union got, even if they were just going for different objectives than I would like.
Now, for the "true" union stewards. The good guys. I know they are out there.
What is it that they needed to change inside themselves?
How could they help steer away from this wreck of a contract?
Based on what I've heard about the "two man meeting", I don't think the little guys got a real say, at all.
This contract seems to have been dictated from on high. Regardless of the voice of the dues paying members.
I'm honestly not sure if your point is valid, here.