One Year Today That George Took a Knee.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
How am I ignoring history? It's just that though. Time to get over it in the current year.

Netsua 3:16

They're both dead but one was present in Poland when actual Nazis were taking over her country. But you don't see me reeeeeing about Nazis.
Yeah. Because 99% of the number of nazis that existed then are GONE bruh 😂
Also, that happened in Poland?
This here’s America, and I’m an American
If you don’t like that you can giiiiiit out

Netsua 3:16

What's your point? Everyone involved with slavery is long gone. Those involved with your water fountain pictures are thinning out too.
My point is:
Try to listen and gather some compassion before you go around comparing apples to oranges
Our work is obviously not done. If you disagree, no problem
If you want to be a part of the solution, don’t make stupid generalized posts and keep your “hur durrrrr” thoughts to yourself
@Operational needs


Well-Known Member
When it come to matters of race, it seems to me many do not want to solve conflicts, they want to cause strife and hate because there is profit.
As a glowing white man, and an admirer of MLK, money was not his motive nor was conflict. A persons character, not color, is what matters.
George has brought out the character of many this past year.
hopefully his shining example will discourage many others to avoid phentanol