Again, this is the same concept. If a foot ball player is 6'5" tall 205lbs and hits a person high, compared to a football player that is 5'9" tall 205lbs and hit someone low. The shorter more stalky football player is going to mess someone up.
Lower is better in cars, numbnuts.
You want to get hit by something that has weight lower down rather than higher up.
If his truck hits me, the bulk of his weight is rather high up on my hood toward my windshield.
If I hit him, I hit him low, where he has much less direct impact.
This is incredibly easy. You're all just too triggered to think.
This is why deer are so deadly. They're not moving much and they're 100-150lbs around here. But they kill people because they hit high on the car.
If my Tesla hits his Tundra, the Tundra gets hit low and I get hit high.
You WANT to be hit low.